some parts and scenes of this game is cool but yea, this game is fucked and the fights, which are quite a portion of the vn is meh. I finished 2 of the heroines routes and yea maybe one day i'll finish it but the gross stuff put me off hard

gonna pick this back up in a month or 2, i don't feel like playing this as of now

Xenogears, this game took me a while to finish compared to other stuff i've played since other stuff got in the way which is why it took quite a while

a game that is filled with amazing and intriguing themes( which cover many things such as, religion, politics and mental health and human fragility, a story with many dark and crippling themes but also an existential, heartfelt story, many moments in this game i was moved heavily. Apart from these interesting themes, the cast is amazing too, i love everyone in the main cast, the chemistry and bonds between them got me hooked as i played, character dynamics and arcs were something that really caught my attention in xenogears. Each character having their own individual stories which justifies their wrongdoings and righteous acts really makes you feel some sort of empathy for the characters, even the antagonists, they all have reasons why they are driven to such ideals, this gives so much substance to the game. Another thing, for the time it was made, the combat is super satisfying and excellent, i really enjoyed my time in combat, the deathblows and combos were quite cool and i don't really think I had a bad time with any of the characters i switch around in my party, even chu chu. (so unserious). to wrap things up: the osts, combat, characters, themes and world building were all amazing i have nothing bad to say.

Fei, another amazing protagonist in the xeno series, from what i've played anyway. its crazy that both Shion and Fei are probably top 5 gaming protagonists for me, they're so good. anyways,
Fei Fong Wong, who i view as a character that is one of a kind, such a unique character. Fei's character arc and development throughout the game really touched me, also his dynamics with the cast are beautifully done. Fei as a character is layered in such a unique way, his character conflicts and how he moves past them and how his problems are portrayed through his own self, becoming one and content with himself, he embraces his hardships and the hardships of others and moves on. Fei's character and his best moments kind of really resonated with me which is interesting because i really see bits of Shion in me as well. These games know how to make masterful and impactful characters. Its kind of hard to explain fei's character without spoilers but he has one of my favourite character conflicts/arcs and a mind which references works of Jung and Freudian theory. such a special and well done character

regarding the cast as well, most of them are fleshed out and explored quite well, and they are even better through the chemistry of one and other.

the antagonist cast is packed and where some of the best concepts in the game are established, they hold really well against the other side of the cast. Every antagonist each had a reason in consequence of their ideals, finding out and taking off the layers of each antagonist was super cool, i genuinely liked all of them, their concepts, ethos and backstories/reasonings were so interesting, had me feeling some sort of sympathy and empathy for them. The main antagonist(s) is amazing, crazy ideas and just full of character. A big thing about them is the religious symbolism and goals they try to lean towards, through this it gives many pathways to their character and makes us understand their true ambitions.

dungeons and areas were cool too, all the nations and even little details such as inclusiveness among races and such shows how great this game is

Xenogears i believe is a game which was created with soul and passion, a gem among the medium and a must play for everyone, one of the great

"when will it be the day we can understand what all this loneliness and sorrow was for?.."

after playing sc, the second game in the trails in the sky trilogy, I thought it would be hard for it to be topped for something better sort of until I finished the 3rd. SC was so good but I think I like this game a bit more.

trails in the sky the 3rd kind of drifts away from the style of the first 2 games, the gameplay is more like a dungeon crawler and this change might've annoyed some players but it defo didn't for me, I found this gameplay very fun although it might take a chapter or 2 to get used to the style of the game.

my favourite part of the game is the doors feature, such a unique way to present side stories into a game, these doors helps you to understand the lore and story of the game but also helped the cast individually, all of the main cast got drastically better due the stories within these doors. Other than story, certain doors have minigame features and actual objectives you need to meet which was so fun for me I enjoyed it a lot, it really helped me to immerse myself into trails the 3rd. The moon doors really felt like I was playing a VN tho. My favourite door was star door 15 by far, Renne is the most interesting character for me so far and I cant wait to see her later arcs as I play through the trails series

Kevin being the MC really paid off since his journey is beautiful and the whole arc revolving around him was just greatness. Kevin's arc is pretty much relative too Estelle and Joshua in my opinion.

i also think, unlike the first 2 games, trails in the sky 3rd had the best starting point and stayed the most consistent, this helped the flow of the game better. I cant really think of bad segments in this game due to how consistent it is. Overall this game was something else, it was so good

An amazing finale to an amazing trilogy, what an experience and I'm looking foward to the next arc which is crossbell

"so we put on our bravest faces and promise to meet again -whether it becomes true of not - and we go back to our lives and keep on going"

This review contains spoilers

after playing fc, which I enjoyed a lot, I had high hopes for sc and this game really met these expectations

the start of this game was pretty slow tbh and things were gettin repetitive for the first 3 chaps, icl it wasn't a big problem for me and it shows by how long it took me to finish this game, I was locked in throughout the whole game, the party selection, combat, side quests and the main parts are all super fun in sc as well as fc, there's not much to complain about but a few pacing issues which I didn't really mind, for the trails games that i've played (only two lmao) you can tell things aren't meant to get good straight away and its more of a slow burn typa game

however, after chapter 5, things started to change and improve in quality drastically, things got really serious and i could not get off the game, literally this game got me sleeping for 3 hours max for the past week because so much stuff was happening and I was just locked in, there's so many moments in this game that you can choose from and are actually great, the end of chapter 6 and the final were def my fav parts in the game.

one of my favourite parts of the game is how each character gets their individual moments and amazing dynamics, trails is pretty cast heavy so there's a lot of characters to go over. Agate and Tita were probably my fav dynamic out of the side characters, they were so good in chapter 5. I don't think I really dislike anyone in the main cast they're all great and this is one of my favourite parts of the game.

a character that blew my mind apart from Estelle and Joshua is def Leowe, I could've spoken about many other characters like Schera or Oliver but Leowe is def a personal favourite, learning about his past and his own morals and ideologies really made me intrigued about his character and his conclusion was great, my goat fs. Also the main antagonist group, Ouroboros having direct and individual dynamics to the main cast was really cool, we see this especially in the axel tower where we have to defeat each of the members as a player, seeing how certain characters react/sympathise as well as understanding one and other was coolio. overall this game was amazing and I cant wait for the future trails installements, it would be hard to top this, can't wait for the 3rd, will start soon, very soon

also why are the monsters in this game so ugly bruh, I was looking up close to some of them and they're so ugly man

"I have no idea where this path will lead us... but I'm sure something awaits us at the end"

"just as the brightest light casts the darkest shadow"

the trails series is gonna be a series where i commit to long term, as the first trails game i've played in the series this did not dissapoint me at all. One of my favourite introductions to a series. The first trails in the sky game was so fun to play i was fully immersed in the whole time, the combat is fun to play with and I already love the cast, there's not really that much to say bad about this game apart from some pacing issues but that's ok because its the first game and i'm expecting that this game will be even better after i play the other 2 in the sky trilogy due to the buildup for the later chapters.

i love estelle as a character already and i have really high hopes for joshua, the last stretch and the final few scenes were so good for joshua and was a great twist, i really liked the build up regarding his backstory. im looking foward on how Loshua and Estelle improve as a dynamic later on.

overall amazing introduction to a series I enjoyed this way more than I should have, great game

an interesting experience for such a short game, cant really say much but the atmosphere was nice, quite a melancholic game.

such a relaxing game to play that,s about 2 hours long, great game for its length, i recc if you're in a burnout or something, even so, this game is great and my fav part is the interactions, a lot of the interactions in the game can be applicated into your own life and its just very comforting to see, overall great game.

" Harman, the world wont change, all it does is turn.... now lets dance"

killer 7 was a game I first thought I couldn't get into but when I actually started playing it I got hooked, the style of the game is so nice and the combat is really fun I loved playing as all of the different assassins. I don't really like puzzles in games but the puzzles in killer 7 were not too bad and it helped to make the game more intriuging

my favourite part of the game is def the well done political references which are quite accurate, reminds me a lot of Kojima and mgs2, after finishing the game things started to click a lot with me, I was confused while playing which is bound to happen for most players

overall, killer 7 is an amazing game with great political symbolism and it gives you such an immersive experience I recommend playing

"the future is overflowing with hope, and we have infinite paths to choose from"

the xenosaga trilogy were the games I chose as a gateway to the xenoseries and these games did NOT dissapoint. the 3rd game in specific is something I see as peak fiction, literally perfect in my eyes and even more impressive for the time it was created. the game is filled with themes like, existentialism, determinism, hope, identity, suffering and many more. The game also HEAVILY refers to religions like: Christianity, Judaism and Gnosticism. The games can be really confusing at first because all of the complex themes presented but how these themes are inserted is done so well and in a way it moves me to a high extent. Especially the ending of the game, man. that was actually peak fiction to me and one of the best endings in gaming, in fiction.

Shion as a main character resonated with me a lot since I see a lot of myself within her. With all the suffering she has went through regarding the past, present, future, she endures all of this and is told that there is hope within the distant future and the power of free will we all hold gives us endless opportunities to choose our own way of life. Shion is an incredible character and the best part to her is her feelings and how she deals with things, her psychology is very important in the game and her journey revolves around it. Her character journey is so beautiful I think shion is one of the most "real" characters ever, she just feels so real like she's a human almost. Shion is there with raiden with being the best characters in gaming for me, if not the best.

the cast is also an amazing part of the game, each character gets their individual peaks giving each character their own special moments, this happens a lot in xenosaga ep 3 since things are starting to get more intense now. This game got me feeling emotional over pretty much almost every character in the main cast. The cast is super consistent in terms of individual value, they're all good in their own ways and portray different ideas and psychological reactions to situations. I love the cast a lot and defo one of my favourites ever

literally this game is perfect I love it, this is a mini review and also my first one here on backloggd so I hope you liked it