what a joyful underrated gem! the animated cutscenes are beautiful. the music is lovely. and it's pretty short!

Don't get the appeal :(
Not into loot apparently.

This was fun as a kid. Boring though. Puzzles are shit, platforming is meh. Nostalgia goggles recommended.

This is a Civilization game.
There are no bad Civilization games.

This game is ass. Play Children of Morta.

Didn't beat the Joker, but the rest of it was good.

The only score of mine that might be affected by nostalgia. So maybe subtract half a star if you want to.

Barely functioning game. Breaking it for achievements was a fun way to spend 15 minutes tho lol.

Decent licensed game. It's on the easier side of Treasure's catalog.
Starts, teaches you the basics, the platforming does some fun and interesting things, the level design does some fun and interesting things, the boss fights do some fun and interesting things, and ends pretty quickly.
Overall it's no Gunstar Heroes, but does have the signature Treasure feel to it.

Very cool and very short. It's impressive how much of both games is here and how well they mix together. It's not just Mario with a dash and some custom levels. A significant portion of Celeste's core is present and it does feel quite nice. The world design is enjoyable and I'm gonna have some fun trying to hunt down every single hidden moon, or attempt the other optional challenges. Recommended for fans of either game.

Finishing this was a fucking exprience.

Why is this so boring :( Stopped playing after 7 hours because I was afraid I'm gonna die of boredom.
Made me realize I'm probably not a JRPG guy.