This game is ass. Play Children of Morta.

Don't get the appeal :(
Not into loot apparently.

I might be dumb-dumb for liking this more than 5, but whatever. City-States go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

This is a Civilization game.
There are no bad Civilization games.

This was fun as a kid. Boring though. Puzzles are shit, platforming is meh. Nostalgia goggles recommended.

This game is so fucking hard, still haven't finished it. But damn if it isn't fun.

Enjoyed this way more than Undertale. Thanks OCD :(

Played without a guide and with save scumming at some boss fights.
These games do things that many modern games still don't, and I don't know why that is. Did we lose something?

Apparantly Backloggd (or rather, IGDB) counts every different game released under the name "Tetris" as one game. That's... uhm... fucking wrong. Just to clarify this review is about NES Tetris:

NES Tetris is good.

Search. Kill. Search. Kill. Repeat 16 times.
aka "Sweet, they made a game about my dreams."

Uhm, yeah? Oh, do you need me to say something? About The Stanley Parable?

I don't need to say shit.

Simplistic. Satisfying though.