I dunno I think games like doom are really not my type of games, I had my fun with eternal but it’s definitely nothing I will replay in the future

Going into it I thought it wasn’t my cup of tea but damn this game is good. Good story, beautiful graphics, and some of the smoothest and fun gameplay I’ve ever experienced, a third person horror game shouldn’t be allowed to have such a good parry system.

Good story, Gameplay sucks. Definitely the worst out of all the yakuza games I played (0,1,2 at the time of writing this. If you are playing through the entire series like me it definitely its worth a buy but if you just want to play a random yakuza game you should ignore this game. The story is enjoyable even though it starts slow but the gameplay… the core of the fighting system is good but the constant blocking and I mean CONSTANT blocking of the enemy’s realtakes the flow out of the game, the rest like the side story’s or monogames reach from okay to good but definitely not the series highpoint. It’s not a bad game it’s just really mediocre

My favorite game of all time, it has its issues but no game in this world could give me the feeling of freedom and adventure like this one. If you have a switch this is a must buy

Seen from normal a video game perspective it’s a good game 7/10. Seen from a Star Wars games perspective it’s 10/10 loved it

Gameplay is basically the same as Spider Man 2018 with a few changes to the ability’s you have. The story however is not so great I like the protagonist miles morales but the rest really falls flat especially the two villains of the game. Graphic is awesome though and swinging around in New York is as fun as ever. Good game, would recommend picking up in winter sets a good mood. A nice side game for sure


The fact that this game lost to stray at the game awards for best indie game is a shame. One of the best third person fighters I ever played. I never felt improvement in a game as much as in this one. The great level design is also a very underrated aspect of the game as it has tons of creative ideas. The story is okay and the music does its job. This game is really hard and you will die a lot the start but mastering combat makes it worth though. Big recommendation

The GOAT 🐐 of roguelites, I don’t care what anyone says

It’s an addiction I can’t stop, don’t buy this game

Really good battlefield game if it got more updates I think the general census of the game would be way higher. Has the best team and gunplay of the entire series

Underrated masterpiece, one of the best if not the best 2D platformer of the last decade.

3D world alone is already great, getting bowsers fury too makes this a solid 10/10 package

It’s the only game where I have a 1000 hours so i need to give it some props. It has some of the best gunplay and movement in the whole shooter genre, but I got burned out about 3 months ago and only play on rare occasion so I don’t now how the game is doing right now.

Hot take: This game lives from its graphics and sound design because the gameplay is really mid

It’s okay now but still a far cry from what battlefield used to be