this game would be cool if my interest in the modes lasted longer than 5 minutes and if the mechanics made sense

wow link is in this game he throws a bomb sometimes and smells like cow pies

sometimes I think about if this game existed without the incredible base of jak 1 and I shudder and turn into a grapefruit

I've had the Bikini Bottom main hub world theme in my head for two decades.

Join Eli's Wood, Hector Con Carne, and the cool girl as they murder things until they realize they need horses to be viable.

I stood directly in front of the camera to cheese the window washing minigame

another gamecube racing game that could've benefitted from having actual single player content

It's like that one game but worse, like how the other crash game was like that one crash game but worse.

This was better than the first, I don't remember but except for the shitty yeti area and the bad final boss. Haha Ratchet has no underwear funny.

I was 11 and my friend was nine and we just called the Virginian Giant the giant vagina the whole time

I played this game for five minutes. One 1/2 star a minute. Basic mathematics.

This game made me a TTYD truther. Sorry, Nintendo!

It's like that one game where you did the thing but it looks and works better! Cool!