This game is just more of what you expect from the Insomniac Spider-man games, which.... isn't a bad thing by any means. In fact, the first game and Miles Morales are fantastic, it just all feels too familiar. Web swinging feels just as great as the original, combat still has you using gadgets and upper cutting foes into the air, it's still very cinematic and graphically detailed, and the open world is still largely a Ubisoft model of small objectives sprinkled across the map. All this works just as well as it did in the original, and in some ways perhaps marginally better. But again, the biggest issue is that none of this is really new at this point. But let's talk what is actually different in this one.

So the biggest change, which is literally on the cover is that you can play as both Peter and Miles. It certainly does add quite a bit being able to play both Spider-mans from a story perspective. This is especially the case when the Venom stuff starts to happen. Having two protagonists with very different personal lives and personalities genuinely helps add bit of variety to the game. It's just unfortunate that they play almost exactly the same. But that was to be expected, and honestly the character switching just reminds me of GTA V, which certainly worked out for Rockstar.

Honestly the change I felt the most playing the game is the expanded open world. You can now explore Brooklyn in addition to Manhattan. This doesn't just help in that it makes the world bigger, but just trying to get over the river when there aren't any buildings to web swing on is a really cool feeling. Plus, Brooklyn does feel quite a bit different from Manhattan, giving the world a lot more variety. And yeah gotta say, this is probably the best rendition of New York I've seen in a video game. It's just so detailed, and there is so much to explore and discover. It's just unfortunate all you can really do in it is fight crime and web swing.

Let's end of this review by talking about the story. Overall, the story is really great! Particularly everything to do with the Venom plot is really well done. Especially great to see as the movies have not done a good job with Venom. I do have one problem with the story though, which is that the first half of the game Kraven the Hunter is the big bad, but by the end of it he just feels like some bump in the road. As Venom comes into play, Kraven becomes completely overshadowed, which makes the first half feel like nothing but setup for Venom. This isn't helped by the fact that Kraven may have the least amount of depth of any villain in the game. Like he hunts super-villains, and that's his entire character. It's not terrible by any means, and the plot is still overall engaging, it's just a little disappointing how lame Kraven feels as a character looking back after beating the game.

But yeah.... after all those thoughts, it really is just more of the same. Play it if you liked the other two Spider-man games. If didn't like those games, you will also not like this one. Definitely one of these games a shot though if you haven't played any of them. These games are nothing revolutionary or new, but they are possibly the best renditions on the whole Arkham Knight superhero formula established by Rocksteady many years ago.

I seriously respect this game for doing something incredibly unique. It is really cool going through these lost movie clips, and trying to figure out what happened to Marissa and why these movies didn't release. It also clearly has a lot to say about artist, and the making films n such, though honestly I am not smart enough to unpack all that.

However, this game does have a serious issue with pacing. Either they needed a better method for delivering these clips, or they needed to cut the fat. Like did they need a 5 minute scene of Marissa just dancing AND a subverted version of that scene? It's not particularly interesting, and I don't learn anything really. And of course it sucks that I have little control on the next scene I am brought to. It just leads to me clicking stuff repeatedly in hopes I get something new. Maybe they could make the object relations less broad? Like when I click on one of Minsky's paintings, I don't think I should be brought to a painting of Mother Mary.

This game also includes a bunch of secret footage, which at first is a bit eerie and exciting, but they all are more or less uncovered the same way and their contents are quite similar. The secret footage gets quite dull, quite fast. At least for me anyway.

With those complaints, the game starts feeling quite aimless after awhile. I started to question when the heck the game was going to end. Turns out it just kind of ends randomly? Like I don't know if it ended, because of the particular last scene I saw or if it was due the number of clips I uncovered? I have no idea. Honestly still don't really know why Ambrosio didn't release, but I still got the ending. I guess it was just too horny? Idk. Immortality is still incredibly unique and respectable, but the experience of playing it really wore on me.

This is how you make DLC. Your DLC shouldn't just be additional content for content's sake, but actually add something to the game. This DLC has some of the coolest bosses/enemies in bloodborne. Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower is easily one of my favorite boss fights of all time. The levels are gorgeous and incredibly surreal. Like it actually feels like your in a strange dream world. Also, if you found the original game too easy, this DLC will likely kick your ass, which is great for the veterans of the game. Most importantly of all though, it adds some rad weapons to the game. The original game lacked a bit of weapon variety imo, but the DLC fixes that issue.

This game does a remarkable job putting you in the mind of someone with some obvious mental health problems and trauma. Turning something as simple as buying milk into a horror game is honestly a perfect way to encapsulate what it can be like to live with mental illness. And honestly, the game is like 20 minutes, and is currently 50 cents on Steam so like why not play this at that point?

Man I forgot how hard Cuphead is, and just how incredible the animation is. The only real issue with this dlc is that it is just more Cuphead, but when Cuphead is as good as it is that's not really an issue.

This game isn't quite as bad as people are making it out to be. Like yeah, the dialogue is terrible and it's basically the same tired open-world design we've seen so many times, but the combat is pretty fun and the magical parkour is pretty legit. It's not really enough to save it, especially with how poorly it is paced with the game literally telling you to read books at one point, and it taking forever to unlock the second set of spells. So yeah, the combat is fun, but everything around the combat keeps from wanting to play more.

I don't really have anything new to add to the conversation honestly. Everything has already been said at this point, I just finally finished this thing lol. It's Breath of the Wild again, but now you have the ability to create crazy vehicles and shit. It ain't perfect, like I feel like pacing in Breath of the Wild felt stronger, but goddamn if this game doesn't have some of the coolest shit in any video game I have every played.

I love it and need a full game of it now! Only complaint is that depth perception is pretty rough, but otherwise it is a super fun 3D platformer.

One of the better FPS campaigns I have played. The pilot's mobility is so much fun to utilize and there are a lot of really cool guns you can use. The titan is pretty fun too for a little dose of power fantasy. What really makes it great though is the Effect and Cause level which allows you to bounce between the past and present at the push of a button. Super frickin sick level. The multiplayer is also good I guess, but mostly just played this game for the single player.

Really ambitious game for the Gameboy Color. Aesthetically it looks really nice. It's very colorful and the animations are quite good. There is also a frickin' day/night cycle which is wild. It honestly feels kind of like a SNES game that somehow got stuck on the GBC.

That said the game is kind of annoying to play. Combat very limiting and awkward. You occasionally need to take leaps of faith, because either you can't see the platform or don't even know it's a platform to begin with. Backtracking just sucks. Like the game has a pretty linear world, so it doesn't make sense to force me to backtrack through levels I have already done. It doesn't feel like I am exploring a world, it feels like I am being forced to play the same platforming levels again. Some of this is certainly limitations of the GBC , other issues feel like they could've been avoided.

I will admit I did not get too far, so maybe the game gets better, but there are too many games I want to play for me to continue playing this. I am interested in playing the sequels though as this game does show promise, and I have heard good things. It's clear the developers put a lot of work into this game, it just isn't very fun in the year 2022.

I played the Gameboy color game via the 3DS back went they released it in like 2015 or whatever, so when Nintendo announced a remake Link's Awakening for Switch... I was little disappointed honestly. Don't get me wrong, I loved the GB game, but I really wanted to see Nintendo make a completely new 2D Zelda game. Like I appreciated Link Between Worlds a lot, but even that is still using the same map from a Link to the Past.

That said, I finally got around to playing through the first three dungeons at least, and it was a lot of fun! The new artstyle is really nice, there are a bunch of small quality of life improvements like the power acorns not giving you text every time, and the overall feel of the game is quite good. However, I still feel like this game is a tad lazy to be honest. Like it is pretty much straight up Link's Awakening with small improvements, HD graphics, and small additions. It also has some kinda bad Framerate stuttering in parts of the game, which I feel like is really bad for a game like this.

With all that said, while I may personally be disappointed with the game, it still is Link's Awakening and is a really fun game. If you haven't played the original, this is an easy recommend. If you have played the original and want play Link's Awakening again, this ain't a bad way to do it.

This is the game that got me into traditional fighting games. Before I had only played Smash, but feels good finally getting into one these games. It very noob friendly, as it is easy to learn (especially if play my favorite character May) and you should be able to find people on your level. The fighting is very fun, fast paced, and stylish. Seriously gorgeous game. Also easily has the best net code in any fighting game ever. In genre so fraught with awful net code, it is great playing a fighting game with little issues online.

The only issues are with the lobby and ranked systems. The lobby system is kinda ugly and cumbersome, but worst of all it doesn't always work. You will see endless amounts of "Cannot obtain duel station data" or whatever it says. it's not too bad, but stll frustrating. The ranked system of this game consists of 10 floors and the celestial rank. As you play games, you rise and drop between the floors, marking how good the game thinks you are. When you are learning the game, this ranked system is great. It feels really good going up a floor, and there isn't really ranked anxiety as you aren't watching a number go up and down. However, it sucks when you are at the higher ranks. This is because the system tends to favor moving up, which means floor 10 and the highest rank of celestial are a hodge podge of players of all kinds of skill levels. It also doesn't let you rank down past a certain point. Since I made it to celestial, I can never rank below floor 10 again, even if I haven't played the game in a year and am rusty as hell. If they tweaked the ranked mode of this game to be more like a typical matchmaking system, this game would be basically perfect in my eyes. Here's hoping for a major update some day!

It's another souls-like metroidvania game, and a pretty good one at that. The most stand out thing is art style, which is really pretty. Also, the soundtrack is filled with really lovely piano tunes, which add to the atmosphere.

Though the thing that sets this game apart from other metroidvania games, is that you command spirits to do your bidding instead of attacking yourself. You acquire these spirits through boss fights, and can equip 6 at a time. Makes this game feel unique, even if it isn't too much more than just window dressing.

It doesn't compare to the titans of the metroidvania genre, and isn't terribly unique, but it is a pretty solid one. If you really like metroidvania's (or soulslikes) I would recommend it.

It's a lot like the old time-management games ala Diner Dash, but slower and less interesting.

I was going to wait until I can actually play this game to review it, but fuck it. Activision-Blizzard sucks (obviously), and this launch sucks. They blame their problems on a DDOS attack, and yet the game is still broken.

I put over 1000 hrs into Overwatch, and I really hoped Overwatch 2 would breath some life back into the game for me, but it looks like that's not going to happen. There just isn't whole lot new here. Making it 5v5 is a radical change, but I feel like that just makes the game less interesting as a whole. There is only 3 new heroes (which I can't frickin' play because the game is broken), and a few redesigns which for the most part make characters more generic. Bastion and Orisa are no longer these extremely unique characters due to their reliance in being stationary. No... instead they just do damage slightly differently from the rest of the cast. They also removed almost all crowd control as well, because reddit complained hard enough I guess. Mei was my favorite character when I first started playing Overwatch, because she was so fun and unique. I loved freezing people and putting up walls. Well now a little of that uniqueness has been rubbed out as she can't freeze people anymore without her ultimate. Only nice things I can say is I do like the new characters (even they aren't terribly unique), and the new Push mode is pretty good.

Over the years, it's been clear that the Devs don't really know what to do with Overwatch. Honestly, I don't envy them either. Seems like a difficult job. Before the game came out they actually forced people to play in a group of six friends, and you could really tell. The game wasn't designed to be play with 6 rando's as it requires a lot of teamwork, and ya know.... someone to play tank and support. This lead to loads of toxicity and just plain unfun games where not single soul willing to play tank/support. So they went to the role queue system, but then queue times for DPS were WAY too long. To me this has been the main issue of Overwatch, and something that this game is in some ways trying work through. Were they successful? I think somewhat, but they solved it by removing some of the uniqueness and identity of Overwatch.

Anyways.... this game just makes me sad. I still like Overwatch, and this game is certainly still Overwatch, but it just ain't the same man. I didn't even talk the shitty monetization stuff they are doing in this game! But whatever.... Here's hoping the co-op PVE mode they are making is actually worth a damn.