Fun sidescrolling action platformer with no password system!
There's some stuff at the 5th level which is infamously difficult to deal with if you don't go through the whole level without dying, which itself is easier said than done.
The items in the game are pretty cool in my opinion, though holy water does trivialize a lot of stuff.

It's fun to learn how to deal with things and execute the solution efficiently, and this game makes me feel this often.
Would recommend this game to anyone with the patience to go through some trial and error to beat their opponents, though I haven't finished it yet

This game has the same things I've experienced in the other "Souls" games with quality of life changes that makes the game easier to digest.
Would recommend to anyone, honestly. The game seems to have pretty customizable difficulty since people say solo melee runs are most difficult. I haven't tried anything but that since I'm not really a big fan of ranged weaponry in these games, though.

Pretty fun bullet hell game, one of the few I've played.
It's quite difficult to me on normal mode since I haven't cleared it once yet.

Bullet hell without the quality of life changes that the later games have, which makes it slightly harder to tell what's going on.

Very balanced fighting game which I don't really enjoy much due to the differences it has to the other Guilty Gear games.
Not my thing, but I can see why others like it.

Not exactly the most balanced fighting game I've ever played, but it's quite fun to me.
Only objective thing I can really say about it is that the art style looks great and the sound design's good.

The most fun I've ever had playing an RPG.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the characters and story, and Tartarus is a fun gimmick to have.
My progress got erased at the last month, so I haven't beaten it and probably won't replay it for a while.

The most fun I've ever had with a platformer.
The weapons in the game have neat gimmicks attached to them, the good ending's requirements are pretty cool in my opinion, and the story & characters are the best I've seen in any of these games.
The only thing keeping me from completing the game is the last section of the good ending, but I'll manage to beat it at some point.

Second best puzzle game I've played, only beaten by the second game in that regard, though these are also the only puzzle games I've played so take that with a grain of salt.
The gimmick of a gun that shoots portals onto things is a really cool concept and it's executed very well.
I like the story of the game, though it's obviously limited by the fact that it's very short.

Best puzzle game I've ever played, though I've only played this and the first Portal so take that with a grain of salt.
The characters in the game are usually making fun of you or some other thing which I find enjoyable.
The game's quite a bit longer than the first one, and the story in it is better because of it, in my opinion.

This is the first Armored Core game I've played and I loved it the entire time I was playing it.

A short hack and slash game which I found very enjoyable.
The story is very well executed considering how short the game is, and the characters are fun to me.
The art style of the game is fantastic due to being developed by Supergiant which seem to just be really talented at that kinda thing.
The only complaint I really have about the game is the fact that I haven't had the urge to replay it ever, but this also goes for other games Supergiant has developed.

Neat little game about a woman with no voice.
I found the game very enjoyable due to how much stuff you can do in the beach and the way you can customize your loadout of abilities.
The music is good in every Supergiant game, but in this game there's a particular focus on it because of the fact that the protagonist is a singer.
I haven't tried replaying the game, but I probably would.

I found this game very enjoyable, though it's shelved due to the fact that I haven't finished one of the routes.