The speed running community for this game is nuts

I honestly have nothing negative to say about this game. If you like Soulsborne games, then you will love this

I love this game and the music is a ear worm that will never leave you alone

This game slaps and anyone who plays it, know it. Based

This could arguably be the best platformer ever made. The hidden armor pieces, heart containers, and other secrets give the stages replay-ability to them. Finding these secrets also gives a very satisfying sense of progression throughout the games several, well put together levels. The level design is great, the music is iconic, and the bosses are memorable and fun. Based af

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Wow, that was cringe

I love this game, but oh my god is it cringe to play in front of other people. This is the kind of game you play by yourself and never talk to anyone about. Which is a shame because the puzzle solving is addicting. I feel like if the game leaned more into the fast paced puzzle solving game mechanics and less into the role playing elements of its convoluted love based plot, then it would have had much more success. However making a game about playing as a cheater who climbs blocks in his underwear at night is just too bizarre and niche to have sustainable mainstream presence in the long term. If you can force your way through though, it’s a very fun game. Based

The birthplace of one of my favorite franchises. Does it hold up today? ….ehhhh but who cares? It’s freaking Metroid

Kingdom Hearts works best when the darker undertones take a passenger seat to the quirky concept of the entire franchise. The later games lean heavier and heavier into the darker undertones more than the roots they established in this game and, boy howdy, does it get cringe af. Dialogue wise, this one is the easiest to listen to and it is a unique concept with decent, innovative, game mechanics.

I don’t like sleeping with my socks on

The writing is just as cringe as ever, but I was too young to care. I remember having fun with this game. So maybe it you mute the game, it could be worth playing….

It’s fun, it’s simple, and the level design is incredible. I can’t think of a single time over the years where playing this game wasn’t fun. I honestly can’t think of a single thing wrong with this game within the context of what it is. It does everything a game is supposed to do and does it to perfection.

I would rate this negative stars if I could…

In a time before Red Dead Redemption, this was the peak western experience and in some ways, it’s still superior. This game is so much fun and the cast is incredibly memorable. Plus it had a cool multiplayer that me and my friends would play. Good times