The speed running community for this game is nuts

This is the tombstone for all Sonic games past this point(except Generations). If you played Adventure 1 & 2 then you could see how Sega was slowly taking the Sonic franchise into a darker and grittier area. This is the culmination of that idea and it is just as cringe as you would expect. I can’t imagine why anyone in this day and age would want to play this. If it’s for the novelty then let me tell you, it’s not a “So bad it’s good” kind of game, it’s just painful overly edgy cringe. What a joke

What a snore fest. There is just something extremely unappealing about this game to me. I think the X-factor of why this game rubs me the wrong way is that this and “Shadow the Hedgehog” was the turning point of when Sega completely forgot what made the original Sonic games so fun. Some people like this game and if you are one of them then I respect that. I do think it’s possible to enjoy this game. It’s just not for me

I had the best pizza of my life while playing this game

As a kid, I beat this on the Dreamcast and the GameCube. I used to love this game. The ability to have a small world to explore with each of these characters was really cool. However I recently played this and it hasn’t aged well. The voice acting is terrible, the graphics are awful, the stages and controls are clunky, and the chao garden is not as fleshed out yet so even that can’t save this one.

The Sonic and Shadow levels are decent, everyone else’s levels suck balls. The chao garden and the car racing mini games are more fun than the base game. The voice acting and writing is really bad, but it’s a product of its time. This essentially is the same game as the Dreamcast version, just with two player mechanics added to it that don’t add very much

The unintentional depth this game created resulted in one of the most interesting gaming communities to ever exist and turned this franchise from a “party game” to a full blown fighting game. There is plenty to do in this game from a solo player aspect, but you can only really experience the greatness of this game with friends. My only complaint is a nitpicky one that can only be validated by present day standards, but this game has a rather small roster of characters and no way to turn off stage hazards. At the time of release this didn’t matter much, but compared to Smash Ultimate your choices for viable characters and balanced stages is scarce.

I honestly have nothing negative to say about this game. If you like Soulsborne games, then you will love this

Kingdom Hearts works best when the darker undertones take a passenger seat to the quirky concept of the entire franchise. The later games lean heavier and heavier into the darker undertones more than the roots they established in this game and, boy howdy, does it get cringe af. Dialogue wise, this one is the easiest to listen to and it is a unique concept with decent, innovative, game mechanics.

I remember thinking as a kid “I want this to be good, because it looks good.”. Now, as an adult, i can say that this game is mediocre and looks like butthole.

I heard this game has the fastest speed run. Like “Pong” this game is also a game


The writing is just as cringe as ever, but I was too young to care. I remember having fun with this game. So maybe it you mute the game, it could be worth playing….