I don't know how well this game sold, but back when I was young, this game was featured on EVERY SINGLE ps3 advertisement poster in my country. There's always been something about this game that just made me want to play it since I was a kid. Of course there's the half-naked warrior woman on the cover artwork🤣 but also the game's incredible art direction that somehow just got better to look at as I grew up. And now that I've played it, it's...... good. kinda.

Considering how low this game is rated on this site, I didn't go in with the highest expectations, but was quite impressed with the combat mechanics initially. But it didn't take long for me to realise how messy the controls actually are. There are three different stances in this game that are quite distinct, but the blocking mechanics in this game just suck. Your character automatically blocks when you're not attacking, and with a quick press of the attack button right after blocking you can cause massive damage to the enemy, which is my biggest problem here. You can either be on the offensive and deal little to no damage while getting interrupted and beaten by your enemies, OR you can wait for your enemies to attack you, so that you can counterattack them, which made the combat very monotonous for me. It's fun initially but gets boring over time. It's not annoying, but kinda dull

The combat is serviceable for the most part, but the game has other problems. It keeps throwing massive waves of enemies that don't bring anything new to the table, adding even more to the monotony of the game. And finally there are the absolutely cringe-inducing voice acting and live capture performances. Holy shit they're terrible. The story is cliche as well and fails to leave an impact on you.

Now that we're done with the negatives, here's what I liked about this game.... the art direction. This is always what kept this game on my mind for years. This is a 2007 game, and the just scale of this game, the attention to details, the interactability with the environment is mindblowing. There are some sections in this game where you're supposed to shoot arrows or fire cannons(oh and the aiming mechanics surprisingly don't suck) and just the number of things on the screen just blows my mind every time. Istg, if it wasn't for the incredibe art direction of this game I would've dropped it in no time. I'm not familliar with ninja Theory's other works, but I've heard that they're great at making their games cinematic, and if this is their worst, I'm REALLY excited to try out their other stuff.

Last but not the least, I just wanna say that despite the massive amount of flaws, you can tell that a lot of heart was put into this game. It's one of those times when you know that all the hardwork behind this game went completely in the wrong direction, but you can't help but still have some amount of praise for the team that worked on it. The amazing art direction aside, everything here is average to below-average, with the voice acting being an exception(it's straight up garbage), but the game never really annoyed me so just for that this is the rating I'll be going with. Would I recommend this, I'm not sure, but I'm kinda biased towards this game so yeah, that's my rating.

INSANELY fun game. Very addictive fast paced combat, love the sliding mechanics, everything here is just pure fun. The story is a whole lot of bs but it doesn't matter in the least. Took me back to my Metal Gear Rising experience. Love this game

I've kind of been spoiled by Tropical Freeze's boss fights, so ig it's kinda natural that I didn't enjoy Super Mario Wonder as much as I had hoped I would. Don't get me wrong though, this is a solid platformer. I've never played any of the New Super Mario games so I can't compare Wonder to those, but I had a fun time with this game. It's a near-perfect game with fantastic art direction, really fun fast-paced levels, an overworld that actually looks interesting and not bland(uhh uhm Take notes Mario 3D World...), but here's what this game lacks: challenge.

If you know me, you know I'm the last person who'd complain about a game being easy, and I feel that should explain how easy this game is. My expectations were really high for this game because of my experiences with Odyssey and Tropical Freeze, and this game did deliver on pretty much everything. Every single level introduces a brand new mechanic that completely changes your perception on how to approach this level now.... but then you breeze through that level in no time without any problem. So yeah that's all. Really, REALLY fun, gorgeous looking game, but it's just too damn easy.

Or maybe Tropical Freeze just made me too good at 2D Platformers heh heh heh


I can't believe I'm saying this, but in all honesty, DMC1 was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. I can't even lie, I tried getting into this so many times in the past but always dropped it because of the absolutely God awful first mission where the camera is so fucking bad it literally made me feel nauseous. But outside of the first level, it didn't bother me that much. It isn't "good", but it was manageable. The boss fights were janky as hell at times but still quite entertaining.

So yeah..... Surprisingly pretty fun. There are a lot of things that haven't aged all that well and can be massive inconveniences a lot of times.... but it was manageable, that's all I'll say. To sum it all up, It wasn't outstanding in any specific aspect, but the overall experience was quite fun, and in all honesty I think this'll grow on me even more and I might increase the rating in the future.

Dunkey's video hyped me up so much about this game and it didn't disappoint at all. Just an incredibly fun and well-designed with an absolutely gorgeous art design, banger soundtracks and amazing boss fights. It has everything I want from a 2D platformer, plus the incredible attention to detail, like the character animations, the seamless aiming of the barrels, the secret areas and the list goes on. It's honestly funny how inviting the world of this game is compared to most open world games. The secret items are hidden in such unique places that you can't help but feel like exploring every single part of the level. The minecart levels are so damn fun as well.

My only criticism for this game would be the boss fights. They're incredible, with fun mechanics, but I feel that they kind of overstay their welcome every single time. And of course, my other criticism is that this game has probably ruined this franchise for me cuz it's so fucking good that I'm scared I won't enjoy its predecessors(hopefully that won't happen).

Finally finished it, and Getting Heart Scales every single time for the Move Tutor is fucking annoying and most of the gym puzzles suck ass. Other than that, it might just be favourite Pokemon game so far.

While I love this game, I'm also a bit disappointed, and the game isn't completely at fault here. I really should've kept my expectations in check.

The first thing that came to my mind after I saw this game for the first time, was Mario Odyssey.... and for a good reason. The world of Kirby and the Forgotten Land is incredibly detailed and brimming with life(which is ironic cuz it's literally a dystopian world). Right from the beginning you're just dropped into this gorgeous looking world to explore without any tutorial, any instructions to have fun..... and then you actually start interacting with it. The amount of invisible walls, the fixed camera, all of these things kept taking my immersion away. Compare that to amount of freedom that Mario odyssey gives you and you end up coming out dissapointed.

I know I shouldn't be comparing this to Odyssey, but I just feel that the world it takes place in has so much potention(more than odyssey tbh) which is just wasted. The game feels more like 3D-World, a game that clearly isn't trying to be an open-world-ish experience like Odyssey, but Kirby's world had the potential to be something truly special but the potential is just wasted. The same goes for the core mechanic of the game. A lot of the things that are given to Kirby for transforming into are just randomly and conveniently there. You never get the feeling that the game is giving you different options to approach a level.

But keeping my negatives aside, the game was quite fun to play. The combat isn't the most complex thing ever(it doesn't need to), but its the simple things make it very fun. Dropping the bombs on enemies is fun because the aiming in this game is just perfect, flying to cover some distance, finding the hidden Waddle Dees, all of these are simple things that make the game very fun. Also I don't know if its just me, but the game was.... kinda hard at times, something I didn't expect. And last but not the least, it's a very charming game. You never feel bored at any point. Every level has something happening at all times, which doesn't leave you with any spots where nothing is happening.

But yeah those are my thoughts. Again, I don't want this to be "Mario Odyssey but it's Kirby instead of Mario", it's just that there's so much they could've done with a world this detailed. So I hope if we ever get another 3D Kirby game, the level design is a lot more open and not this segmented, and that would be perfect.

Hands down the best Pokemon game I've ever played

I tried getting into Inside and Limbo but just couldn't(I will play them again someday trust me), so I had no idea what to expect from Cocoon. But holy shit this game is just mind-blowing.

Bioshock is amazing, but I will say this, the game felt a lot more linear than I had expected it to be. That and the disappointing post-that one twist content aside, it's a near perfect game with possibly my favourite atmosphere and worldbuilding ever. Loved it

Finally finished this after:
playing halfway through -> putting it on hold for months -> deleting my save file and then restarting
Almost feels surreal. But yeah this is a damn good, gorgeous looking game. Love it. Will checkout the DLC asap.

I fell in love with A Space for the Unbound's art direction so I just had to check out their other works. Banyu Lintar Angin: Little Storm is just a sweet little 2-3 minutes long illustration book..... and that's pretty much it. It's a nice short feel good experience that's completely free on Steam, so check it out if you were a fan of Mojiken's latest work :)

wish families like these were real.....

It's ok I guess. Got this on sale, and I still feel that I paid way more than I actually should have. There's a lot of DLC in this and despite all of that, there's barely anything in this game that makes me want to even open it. I liked USFIV a lot, so this certainly was a massive disappointment. The only thing I liked was the art style(which from what I can tell, many don't, so there's a hot take of mine ig).

Love the idea, but it becomes a drag to play after some time.