1737 Reviews liked by Snigglegros

what were they thinking????????????,?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Mom: Don't play games until homework is done, I'll be picking you up from grandma's at x time
Me and my uncle: plays games as soon as we get home

Gears of War 1&2 were spent with Korn, Breaking Benjamin or Slipknot blaring on my uncle's ipod while we disobeyed our parents and had a blast. Vivid memories of this, very fond of these games.

Lemme at him! I'll gargle his balls!

NBA Elite 11 is a disgrace. I'm glad I have never played it or looked at any gameplay of it or even heard of it before writing this review cause it sucks smelly ass. Fuck you.

Cool experimental fighting system, unique bosses an astounding soundtrack and visuals for only 5 hours, would recommend.

ik basic but fuck that vhs scene is genius

I enjoy the game but the later levels are ass with all the fuckin oil, like idk why they think splattering oil everywhere, the game is fun but there should be way less of that

It's fun and short and the main character is a ball!

I found this game in a drawer