Extremely short and quickly repetetive with a abrupt ending. The visuals inbetween are wonderful and some well done moments but otherwise forgettable without much impact.

3.75 It's gameplay and story are genuinely interesting but both suffer from clunkiness and repetition.

3.75 More confident in it's characters and mechanics feeling ironed out. However the repetion is significantly worse due to it reusing the same 3 locations. Sad we'll never see AW2 since Remedy were really onto something here.

Wonderful experience. Instantly likable world and characters with a cute story.

Still my favorite of the series. Best visual "style" and tightest story of them alongside the stellar combat and exploration.

The literal only reason I played this was because my friends liked 2 back in the day and wanted to give this a shot. They didn't like this so imagine how I feel.

Worse story then Asylum but gameplay wise is probably the best of the series with the City having the most content and interesting side quests.

Love the Arkham series, but Harley get's the short end of the stick in terms of character and even in DLC quality apparently.

As someone who doesn't care for loot shooters believe me when I say I'm shocked that I will defend this as much. While the story is disappointing given its great set-up the gameplay is stellar and the level design superb. Plus Co-Op Wolfenstein is just fun.

Incredible 1-2 hour opening with fantastic presentation and atmosphere. Plus simple Outlast style gameplay.

But after that is when you're handed a gun and you then have to play a terribly aged FPS that consistently gets in the way of that atmosphere.

Which I could say I like it more since the team clearly loved working on it with the material.

The Virgin Shodan: "HOW DARE YOU INTERUPT MY ASCENDENCE. WE CAN RULE TOGETHER" VS The Chad Soldier G65434-2: "nah"

I am lambasted daily for expressing my thoughts on Halo since it's arrival on PC and finally finishing this, after years of trying on Xbox, didn't help. Aged pretty badly. Constant backtracking through repeated levels, bland combat and largely emotionless story with MC at his most basic white bread protagonist. Doesn't stand on it's own well as it's lore and storytelling are done more justice in the books being barely touched upon here.

Strong 1st half with focus purely on the parkour. 2nd half relies a bit too much on the weak gunplay although still enough parkour to be enjoyable. Throughout the entire experience though the story isn't great.

Cool game thats held back by the hardware and that I would love to see remade in the same vein as FF7R.

Still great core gameplay but the content is stretched super thin with the new rogue like elements and contradicting the more precise puzzle design nature of the original, leading to unfair encounters at times which can end a good run.