60 Reviews liked by Softpidgeon

Nomura pero sin ser de Nomura.

este juego me puede chupar bien la pija

A strong and unique entry in the greater Yakuza franchise. It took me a little time to get into it given some of its stark differences from the Yakuza games, but it was well worth it. It has maybe the most focused narrative of any RGG game, and boasts a really strong cast of characters (and a good English dub). Its only pitfalls were some of the missions being frustrating and boring - especially the tailing missions but also some of the investigation stuff. And the combat could be fun but was definitely nothing to write home about. Probably the most unique RGG game and I am eager to start Lost Judgment.

Un videojuego legendario, todos sus elementos son realmente resaltables y si bien hay partes que se pasan de verga con la exposición (Kojima es Japonés) logra cimentarse como una obra destacable, sobre todo en su tiempo, donde este título rompió el molde de como se debe contar una historia, usando el lenguaje cinematográfico a su favor, y recordado a día de hoy como uno de los juegos más importantes (Incluso más que Final Fantasy 7)

Tremendous storytelling and atmosphere with such iconic moments including a diverse gallery of boss fights both stylistically and mechanically. They don't make them like this anymore. Kojima FTW.

I’ll be honest, I really liked the game, it has an incredible atmosphere, beautiful graphics and decorations, the plot is almost arthouse, I had to read some of the dialogues and notes in the game itself again to understand what’s what.

Before us is an unusual and even a little magical adventure, originating in Scandinavian myths. Playing as an ordinary red fox, you will plunge into an unusual and very old story, a story about many deaths and great grief. With the help of a new friend - the Spirit of the Northern Lights, the fox will have to travel, see new places and free innocent souls.

A fórmula de Life Is Strange está de volta: Jovens traumatizados descobrem que têm poderes numa cidadezinha no interior dos EUA.

Tell Me Why apresenta tudo de bom que se espera da DONTNOD. Uma construção de atmosfera com música independente ao fundo? Check. Relações interpessoais complicadas? Check. Coletáveis fofinhos? Check. Final sem canon? Check!

Há todos esses elementos, porém o mais importante pra mim não marca presença. Jogos episódicos simplesmente não podem existir sem o bom e velho cliffhanger entre eles. Tell Me Why foca em apenas um mistério, e isso acaba ficando cansativo durante a narrativa.

Por outro lado, aqui tem mais puzzles do que todas as temporadas de Life Is Strange juntas. Todos baseados no livro dos Goblins que os protagonistas criaram com a mãe, acrescentando todo um fator fantasioso na história.

O jogo não me fez ficar aflito em momento algum tendo que fazer uma decisão difícil, coisa que valorizo bastante em storytellings interativos. Apesar de tudo não nego que é uma história bem escrita.

A wonderful game that managed to put me in a summer mood, despite the fact that it’s March outside. Wonderful views, good, balletic and exciting musical acting, and of course a chic atmosphere. I think this game is about two things at once. Firstly, about one thing, about all the delights and problems of such a life. Secondly, about how we like to deal with our problems. Probably everyone can find something familiar and dear to themselves in this simple plot. Personally, I found it.

Dropped this game during COVID but finally ended up finishing it and it's a ton of fun. Sometimes I think I preferred the more old-school and streamlined experience from Doom 2016, but this game reaches higher heights and allows more flexibility with its additional movement mechanics.

What a fucking game.

Yeah, it's obviously not perfect. The open world has some busy work, the ending will be controversial and leaves mixed feelings and it still has plenty of "hold the stick forward" moments, but it all doesn't subtract from the amazing package we've got.

I expected Square to go crazy when the Remake project reaches the open world portion. The original game always had tons of mini games and silly interactive moments but instead of getting rid of those they really went ALL IN. If something was a little mini game in the original that took a minute, it is now a full blown minigame with high scores and mechanics.

You can tell that they tried their utmost to please fans and not skip anything. And the things that are skipped will surely be in the final game, I'm absolutely confident nothing will be missing in the end.

The combat system feels even better than before, with aerial combat being improved for Cloud in particular and the added synergy attacks add a nice layer of strategy. The new controllable characters are really well integrated and I ended up using Red XIII for the majority of my playthrough.

The gigantic soundtrack is utterly ridiculous. The amount of remixes of classic titles kept throwing me off-guard and most of them are great! When the OST is uploaded on YT I'll definitely grind away at it.

Rebirth will certainly not be for everyone. People who are tired of big worlds and don't enjoy engaging with side activities will probably be annoyed and just want to get back to the main action. Which luckily are the best parts of the game at least.

Not 100% sure if the 5 stars will stick or if I'll go down to 4.5 later down the road, but in any case, this was an amazing time and the wait for Part 3 will be painful. Now excuse me, I still got some card games to play, arenas to beat and hard mode to tackle.

Good, intriguing, love the art and vibes. Story was fine, though I cannot for the life of me remember the exact details.

This review was written before the game released

Opened up the game and just got ads to buy more Shark Cash Cards for GTA Online, fucking hell Rockstar, you did it again

Ram head first into a wall you couldn't hear, go cross-eyed as a mile long, football field wide worm crashes into your submarine. Cry, as your friend dressed in a clown costume rewires all the ships electronics to a fart sound effect emitter. Moral of the story, Install Europa Waifu + and all it's dependency's and marvel at boobs under da watah.