Wonderful game and the best 2D Mario Game! Love the new power-ups with my favorite being the bubble flower! There’s so much to love from the levels to the badges and most importantly: the creativity which is expecially great after all the new soups. The one thing keeping this game from the 10/10 it deserves is the bosses as they were a bit underwhelming (and sometimes nonexistent) Some were neat but that aspect could have been way better!

One of the most fun co-op experiences I have had!

There’s a reason this game has lasted the test of time!

Playing this in VR is one of the coolest Video Game experiences! This game is a treat to all the senses!

I’ve played this game more after the update and the changes made since launch are super good! It does lack things from charming features from the first game but it’s a great game to pick up when in the mood for some 2D Mario levels!

I love how customizable the island is though the lack of events made me drop it sooner than I would have liked! Still would like to give it another chance sometime so if I do my rating could change with all the updates since I last touched the game.

The game pad feels made for this game! It is lacking compared to its sequel in terms of features but again it works well with the game pad and is full of charm even its sequel doesn’t have!

I enjoyed the style of this one! Small stories that are somewhat connected and are all pretty enjoyable! Would like to play this co-op sometime!

A pretty simple platformer that’s easy to be at but I enjoyed it!

A fun Co-op experience that drags at certain parts but overall very good with an excellent endgame!

This game wants to be Jackbox so bad that in the process it forgot to be good. Color Shoot is really cool and fun and I actually got enjoyment from the Quiz Party but other than that this game is a painful experience.