Very nice, but I was surprised how much of this game consists of slow trudging. Wish there were more areas to fly around in.


Lovely art and music, game kind of plays like a pretty cutscene for a lot of it, some neat platform puzzling but nothing new and often frustrating, walk speed too slow, not nearly as affecting as people say it is.

Cute project, but I feel like I "get it" after just a couple hours, didn't grab me and there wasn't enough going on with the combat or the story to keep me playing.



I guess unsurprisingly for a now eight-year-old game, it doesn't quite live up to what I had heard about it. The horror of its body-swapping, brain-scanning, and will-subverting hits, but it's nothing revolutionary if you've read at least a few sci-fi books or watched a few movies. It thrives on its atmosphere. but is undercut by monster avoidance sections which feel like a tacked-on afterthought. I played safe mode, and I'm glad I did, because the design of the perilous sections was tedious even when I could walk right up to the monsters. Also, maybe their budget wasn't huge, but I wish they'd found a better voice for the main guy. His delivery was so flat and unaffected all the way through. Cool game though, some great concepts and effective environmental design, worth a play on safe mode.

Cool idea, poor execution, should've been a documentary.


Played on the recommendation of a youtube video, found it inconsistent and didn't much like the visuals but once I got used to it, I had a lot of fun with the intensity of the gunplay, though often it did just boil down to either peeking guys or using Focus to clear rooms. Beat the normal mode, tried Impossible a couple times but am putting it down there bc Impossible ain't for me.

I wonder what percentage of dev time those dance animations occupied

a lil on the nose dont you think

According to the Steam achievement stats, very few people actually finish every level of this game, so I must've enjoyed it more than most because I didn't get tired of it. It did feel kinda programmatic. You'd see how the level wanted you to solve it and you'd build the solution. But the process of getting there, tweaking until it works and until you can get the Convoy is fun! Except some of them are too annoying to get the Convoy for, I didn't do those.

Had some fun, won a few runs, but there isn't enough here to sustain my usual hundreds-of-hours obsessions with good roguelites.

Nice feeling base shooting mechanics but bad movement and ugly

Gorgeous. I really enjoy this sort of game, essentially visual novels where you have to actively choose to find the next page. Great story writing, although it feels like the story pulled its punches just a little bit. Excellent scenario writing, with the little lived-in details of the ships such as the scuffs on the walls and floor, the writing on packaging, etc. Love that sort of thing.