The best twist in gaming, and probably the best told story in any starwars videogame. It loses points compares to it's successor off of a less cohesive thematic tone, and some missing QoL

It's so neat. I love it's ambition, and there are so many gripping, emotional moments that make the story among the best in the medium. Playthrough B brings the game down .5 for me just because of how uninteresting it is compared to the discovery that drives you through A and the insanity throughout C/D/E

A significant improvement over 4 and brawl, ultimate is legitimately really fun to play. It's my most played game of the last several years and I think the roster is simply amazing

That being said, Nintendo fix the damn online. It sucks. It's genuinely awful. Fans made better online for a game that came out 20 years ago. It might be a 5 if I actually could have played it with people in 2020 or so far in 2021

A valiant follow up, and my 2nd favorite entry in the SoulsBorne series. The bosses are elite from start to finish, and the combat strikes my favorite balance in the series all while looking fantastic. What holds 3 back from toppling 1 is that the world design just is nowhere close to as compelling

It's my favorite Zelda game! It's gorgeous, the combat feels fantastic, the puzzles are well paced, the story is fun and engaging if not revolutionary, and I'm SO excited for how they follow this up.

It's the best tactical RPG ever released. The core gameplay loop is addicting, the unit and enemy variety is elite, the relationship building is fun, the narrative is interesting, the different route options make it so rich with interesting content. I've only (lol) beaten the game twice, and it still has more to offer wherever I'm ready. It's the fire emblem for me.

The best soundtrack in the series coupled with my favorite world layout, a great set of new Pokemon, a timeless new engine, and the best legendaries of the series. Emerald is an achievement, and the best non-remake still.

The first open world videogame I had finished since Shadow of Mordor. (2014) Ghost of Tsushima is gorgeous game that showcases what the PS4 was always capable of. A mashup of the Arkham's and Assassin Creeds that have come before it, Tsushima uses every trick in the book to create the most interesting combat in the genre, and that coupled with some great set pieces makes a game that's worth playing for anyone

The original grail metroidvania. It's mysterious, well paced, difficult, fun, interesting to manuever, and doesn't overstay it's welcome. It's still my 2nd favorite title in a series that's seen a lot of iterations in the nearly 30 years since it's release

It's peak Mario Kart. It's the most casual fun in the series by a MILE with accessible controls, a diverse set of tracks, and a cast of characters that's still the best in the series. On a surface level MKW may seem to lack the depth and polish of it's successor on the Wii U, but MKW is home to the largest array of fun tech skill in the series, and Bikes are still the most interesting element of any title in the series. Please bring them back.

What's become an often bemoaned generic AAA genre was pretty much perfected in 2013 with The last of us. I'm someone who very specifically doesn't like horror as a genre, so The Last of Us had to appeal to me on a different level enough to still enjoy it despite that...and it did. It's a legitimately interesting character drama set in the zombie backdrop with enough twists and turns to keep it fresh. The gameplay is solid enough, and the (yes, very generic and repetitive) puzzles do offer a nice moment of relief and a chance to hear some banter between Ellie and Joel. I love them, and I do love this game

The best movement in a shooter ever. an evolution from the flawed but fun original into one of the easiest games to recommend ever made. The campaign is thrilling from start to finish, and the multiplayer maps are a great playground for the mechanics that make the basic gameplay so good.

Oh yeah, and titans are actually fun to use and are balanced well enough to fit into normal gameplay. Quite the feat

The definitive way to play the game that started it all. Gen 1 is home to a swath of amazing Pokemon designs and memorable gyms and while time has made the original Red/Blue less savory, Firered and Leafgreen are still great experiences. It got popular for a reason, play it!

A contender for the best Pokemon game. Gen 2 has the best array of core Pokemon, and gen 4 may just be my favorite blend of old school vibes and new QoL additions (gen 3-5 is the sweet spot) Pokemon is fun, and this is good pokemon

From 2012-2018 I finished one (singular) open world videogame. That's Shadow of Mordor. The nemesis system is the single coolest thing in any game from the 2010s, and it made playing the game a constantly evolving experience. It doesn't give in to the wordly temptation of overindulgence on a variety of loot systems or puzzles and QTEs (except the lass boss and beast catching ); ) it's just fun to sneak around, kill orcs, use cool powers, and manipulate the hierarchy of goblin command