Enjoyed my time playing as the titular character, "Batman", beating up thugs and collecting novelty question mark shaped trophies in various vents.

Whoever was in charge of that wiring puzzle is a fucking psychopath.

Still as unbelievably good as it was six years ago :)

Weird little game. Run from one waypoint to the next and occasionally play rock paper scissors. Dialogue mostly sucks, backgrounds are nice but they're being displayed on a 3DS so maybe not the best showcase, collecting glims is mind numbing. I still kind of like it though. It's vaguely ghibli-esque if you squint really hard so the miyazaki simp part of my brain was satisfied.

Meteor level is complete horseshit. Everything else is very good.

Masterpiece. The music is wonderful, visually it's a treat, and the gameplay is peak flow state. Takes a while to click but once it gets you it's impossible to escape. Everything mobile gaming should be and more; charming as hell, fun in small bursts and endlessly replayable. So fucking good.

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Worse on a replay. Abby's day 2 and 3 are still brilliant, the combat loop is still wonderful, there's a lot of very good cutscenes in this video game. But the structure is such a trainwreck, you can feel the rewrites. Hops back and forth between flashbacks and protagonists so unceremoniously you get whiplash. Why the hell is the dance cinematic at the end of the game? Who put that there? Why does the story reach a climax like 4 separate times? Why is there a 10 minute bit at the end where you play as Abby? Why is there an open ended exploration section 5 hours in and then never again? Why do they do the Abby flashback thing and then never use the opportunity to take you to a location Ellie recently obliterated?

Very hyped for season 2 of the TV show because I have no clue how they're going to adapt this.

Makes me constantly feel like I'm playing it wrong and yet I'm pretty sure I'm playing it as intended. Snail paced combat with zero stakes, a complete lack of feedback on every level, god awful controls. It looks very pretty and conceptually it's cool but god if this doesn't play like pulling teeth.

So underwhelming. All of the trailers looked absolutely wonderful - unhinged, soviet BioShock with boss fights against giant robots, AND Mick Gordon is doing the soundtrack - sign me the fuck up.

The final product is the kind of thing you'd get if you got the son of the lead game designer to design the video game. A bunch of really cool ideas in a mixing pot with a bunch of stuff that really doesn't fit, as well as a bunch of stuff that just straight up sucks. It's BioShock, but it's also open world, but it's also an action movie with McGunShoot as the main character, but it's also Borderlands, but it's also an unreal engine tech demo. Pick a fucking lane, good god. So stretched thin in basically every single aspect, the writing is awful, the voice acting is awful, the UI is clunky as hell, the combat loop is this weird little ballet dance you have to do with an enemy that always leaves you feeling like you're on the backfoot. The level design and worldbuilding are, bizarrely (it's BioShock for fucks sake), missing the attention to detail that make games like this work in the first place. Every single corridor looks and feels the same, I don't get the feeling I'm exploring a real place, I get the feeling I'm running around the backrooms of an abandoned mall looking for the way out. Nothing is polished, everything has at least something wrong with it, the main guy keeps saying "crispy critters" over and over again like its an iconic catchphrase that will be remembered for years to come. Do you want to be a creepy atmospheric horror game or Yakuza? Pick one.

I was willing to push through with all of that to see if it got better somewhere down the line (and hey, music's still good, creature designs are still good, there's the occasional section that is slightly entertaining) but then I respawned after crashing my car and I was stuck, clipped into the car.

Nice effort lads. D-

Charming as hell, relaxing as hell, dialogue occasionally dips into "let's talk about a political issue using a metaphor with all the subtlety of a middle school student" and the gameplay is nonexistent, but it's nice. Nice video game.

I'm never going to beat this.

Pretty fun, final boss is complete horseshit.