10 reviews liked by Sphynx_x10

It was an insanely well-made game. It took a while for it to stick, but once it did, I played it for hours on end. Kim is one of the best side characters. The writing of this game makes it so much more than a game and you'll notice this the more you progress and dive into it. It's also really cool to know it took inspiration from one of my favourite TV shows, True Detective Season 1. 

Could honestly be a five star game and may change to one in the future.

Half-life 3 and Silksong fans are so melodramatic when they say how long they've been waiting for a sequel. Try being a Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device fan

I beat this shit on hard mode I'm so far above you mother fuckers.

For a game that came out in the 90s it holds up extrememly well, i was expecting janky combat and for the game design to be very unintuitive, but a fun sandbox like expirence was much more welcome. (we dont talk aboult surface tention though)

I'm 10 minutes in, I have no idea how to play poker, but this is already like crack cocaine


it will take me a long long time to decide if i like this or the original more but despite the controversy i LOVE this game. oh my god. i don't even like stealth / zombie / horror games that much but i was willing to stick through it because of how much this game had me in its grasp. holy shit.

A thrilling story devoted to the characters and how far one is willing to go for revenge. The interactions between the new characters are incredible and makes this surpass the original. Additionally, the gameplay is even better.

The best pokemon game to be released. Allows for integration with previous entries, adds in Kanto. Tons of content.

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