The mix up in gameplay is welcome, but doesn't always work. The setup for the future of the series is excellent and it nicely adds more development to the side characters

My favorite setting in the Trails series so far. Unlike Sky, I enjoyed the game the whole way through and I really like seeing the SSS grow and interact with each other.

My favorite Ys game. The game feels so good to play. The soundtrack is amazing. And the story pushes you forward. The first Falcom game I finished. Game very very good.

Great soundtrack, great gameplay, three different characters. One of the Ys series's best.

Perhaps my favorite Ys soundtrack. Another solid entry in the Ys franchise. I like the gameplay more than VI but I like the story in VI

My new favorite JRPG. Builds off and pays off many of the points in the first game very well. I've very glad I played First and Second Chapter

I really like the story and world in this game. The gameplay is fine and refined in later games in the engine with Felghana and Origin. This soundtrack absolutely fcks. RIP Ishibashi-san.

Good introduction to the series that slow to start, but its important

I love the chapter system in this game. With the variety of characters it's like the job system from DQ3 if they were actual characters. Design wise, I really dig the party in this game and would love a modern remake if that was ever on the table.

Fantastic soundtrack but okay game. It's still a Ys game so I enjoyed it but it did drag on and could stand to be 10 hours shorter

Adol go brrrrr. Simple but nice story. Bump combat is suprisingly fun.

The story finale is good but the game drags a bit with the final big dungeon.

Perfection of the simple Dragon Quest formula with some spice from more recent entries added in. While the story and battle system doesn't do anything new, it just executes it so well that this game comfortably sits in my top 5 JRPGS.

Not very long and a cool piece of gaming history.

I really like the classes and personalities system in this game. While very minimal, min maxing is fun. Maybe the most classic Dragon Quest game.