Beautiful, insane music, very cozy and cute.
Has slight feel of hallway simulator at times but it got a bit better further into the game.
Dialogue feels like it is a game. Not sure how to explain it. It is kinda too straight to the point and the charakters only talk about the next objective. The progression barriers are painfully obvious. Example " we need to find 3 relics" etc, like she knows exactly what she needs. My example would be "we need to remind him who he is" and then potentially show the 3 relics requirement in a quest or just not mention it. the fight arenas are also very telegraphed. Little surprize.

satisfying movement, reasonable skill tree. some Nice rewards for exploring (more dudes :)) having a great time
absoulutley disgustinly amazing music
enemy spam gets real lol many bosses and fights summon so many rats omg

I finished the game, but i had to fight to keep the motivation for it. The game has some awesome ideas, but the execution is sadly lacking. The story is pretty good. And i enjoyed the different fucked up versions of fairy tales. It is such a cool concept. But sadly it is plagued by bugs and in some areas i accidentally sequence broke the game to fight a boss i did not have the ability for, making it very frustrating. The gameplay is alright when it works, but sadly it often does not. There are some chase scenes that felt pretty bad to play where the camera would just scroll away from you if you made the tiniest mistake making it fairly frustrating. The core gameplay loop is find an obstacle and then obtain the method to pass said obstacle and then barely see that type of obstacle again. For some items there are some niche usecases that are hard to think of.

Some things i wrote down while playing:
Show me that your courage is greater then that pathetic urge to sacrifice yourself - SICK quote statue dude is DA GOAT

green torch removes purple wall, since when does green counter purple? why not make it green to make my monkey brain understand


Quite simple maps and puzzles but fun and hard to get very lost. Linear, but story needs that. Story very good, good charakters and cool lore.

Breaking down the metroidvania genre to its simplest components. Short but sweet.

Decently fun game with some mechanics i liked. The ending was a little annoying to me but overall a positive experience.


Very nice cinematic experience. The gameplay was incredibly simple and left me longing for something a bit more involved. But the visuals music and story excuse a bit simple gameplay. Very fun just exploring the areas. And the music got me really actin up

Metroid 1 with a map and some other neat QOL changes. I had a hard time getting into the first metroid due to getting lost a lot. This made me enjoy the game a lot more.

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Fun platformer, stages can become clusterfucks at times and i am not a huge fan of that. And in general i am usually not a huge fan of stage based progression. But the story is quite interesting. Also the majority of the bosses are really good. It took some time to get going however, the earlier stages had some lesser incentives that almost turned me away. Visuals are very nice, and the music is catchy. Overall a really fun game so far. My fav stage has to be the tower. The last jumping section of the laval level was fucked, that shit had me frustrated as hell.
Around the end airship stages were very frustrating and had to redo 3 times because of a bug
Ending was a lot of bosses but also cool stages, most of them were really good. Some were a little tedious as i was expecting the game to end soon. The last few stages had some neat tricks and the green teleporter gimmic was amazing while being a bit confusing. Last boss was good with maaany stages but they gave some checkpoints to not make it disgustinly hard.
Story ending very satisfying. Lore and worldbuilding was fun. Honestly satisfying overall. You can play all the charakters and there is a potential true ending but i dont have the patience for that.
I am pretty satisfied may come back one day. Overall score 7/10 score is slightly lower since it is the stage based type. It still made me enjoy it and that speaks highly of it in my opinion.

Stopped playing for ages, tried it again and finished the last 4 levels now. Incredible bosses. Did not like the levels as much. Became a clusterfuck fast and was hard to keep track of what was going on. But still very fun

Really nice game. Favourite part ending and last boss. Other bosses good. But the last boss best by far. Smooth animations good music and overall felt great to play.

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Game feels really nice, dialogue feels nice, witty and is a plesure to read. Went out of my way to talk to all the npcs because of this and i feel like i never do that. The hardest combat difficulty made the bosses a challenge, but the stamina system could be frustrating to some. There are ways around it with items but im not sure how others would approach or appreciate that. The easier combat difficulties remove the stamina aspect and it seems like that may trivialize many encounters. There is also a fairly long fetch quest that i did not personally have the patience for and looked up. But in my opinion these are minor issues. The puzzles soundtrack and visual design are astonishingly good for a game this far under the rador in my opinion. Must play for metroidvania and zelda fans.

Genious idea, exellent execution. I did not get into the speedrunning side of things but just playing through the story mode was very fun. A steal for the price.

Very fun game, blasted through it in one night when i was feeling terrible. The ability progression feels good the music is awesome. My biggest complaint would be that the damage sound gets incredibly obnoxious after a while.

A more open approach after the more linear first game. It lacks a challenge, but the exploration and openness is very fun regardless.

A cave story inspired linear platformer with some neat ideas. Execution is simplistic but i still enjoyed it until the end.