One of the greatest FPS games of all time. A smooth continuation of one of the actually good Call of Duty campaign storylines. The multiplayer gave childhood me hundreds of hours of entertainment.

100% Completion Notes: Like all other CoD games, simply collecting all intel and completing the game on Veteran difficulty gets you most of the completion.

This game finally jumped the shark and never came back down for landing. Decent GTA clone with toilet humor and plenty to do.

By this time in the Ezio trilogy, gameplay and settings were getting a bit stale for me. However, it does wrap up the best AC protagonist's story, and was the last time I was engaged in the modern world side of the story.

100% Completion Notes: Standard Assassin's Creed fare, collect all the annoying collectibles, get some creative kills, nothing too crazy.

The beginning of my love for Supergiant games. The narration by Logan Cunningham is the cherry on top of a solid, cartoonish ARPG with a deep message.

One of the greatest games of all time, and still hasn't been topped by Bethesda. Hard to put into words the pure joy and wonder childhood me felt wandering the Capital Wasteland for the first time. We can only hope for a remaster in 2024!

100% Completion Notes: One of the most fun achievement lists in modern RPGs. Directing you to different playstyles, secrets and lesser-known sidequests grew my already sizeable love of the game.

The greatest classic Assassin's Creed game, I don't think too many would argue. Improved and innovated on a very solid gameplay foundation from AC1 and become the blueprint for Ubisoft open world games for the next two decades. Hard to beat that.

100% Completion Notes: Fuck those feathers.
Aside from tedious collectibles, an enjoyable achievement list of unique skills and feats, and clearing a dense city map.

The greatest FPS of all time. Multiplayer and campaign were both revolutionary and launched Call of Duty into the behemoth it is today. 'All Gillied Up' is still the greatest single FPS campaign mission in gaming.

100% Completion Notes: Very fun campaign to playthrough on Veteran, and an extra special challenge in the form of Mile High Club.

Do you remember what superhero games were like prior to Arkham Asylum? Probably not if you're like me/around my age. The polish and cohesion of this game showed what it truly means to play as a superhero. The only detraction I can find for this game is the lackluster final boss.

100% Completion Notes: An overall fun list if you enjoy unique collectibles. The challenge rooms were a bit of a drag but at least felt fair.

An (at the time) unique blend of First Person Shooter, RPG, and open world exploration mechanics. This game's formula was so successful, it is still spawning clones to this day. A wild ride and one of the most memorable villains in gaming.

100% Completion Notes: A very fun list that brings you from coast to coast on a gorgeous tropical island stuffed with content.

One of the best narratives in gaming. In true Bioshock fashion, the gorgeous, cinematic introduction to the world of Columbia left my jaw on the floor. An engaging narrative that sticks the shocking ending, and serviceable FPS/RPG gameplay to get you there.

100% Completion Notes: I can't remember too much of the achievements in this game, basically just wracking up kills with different weapons and grabbing the collectibles. Nothing special.

A touching narrative that blends perfectly into the game's controls and gameplay. A shocking and touching ending makes me still remember this game ten years later.

100% Completion Notes: Nothing too special, and can be completed in one quick playthrough. Led me to a couple fun easter eggs/secrets.

Riding the high of The Walking Dead's success, Telltale pivoted to the colorful, fantastical world of Fables. And boy did they nail it. The same branching narrative and split-second decision making that made TWD so engaging works perfectly with Bigby and the colorful cast of fairy tale characters. Excited to get the sequel a decade later!

100% Completion Notes: Play through the game, get all the achievements. I may have had to do chapter select for some different choices, but I don't remember.

A touching, coming-of-age walking sim with just enough of a creepy/supernatural vibe to keep me engaged to the end.

Similar to games such as SOMA, The Turing Test seeks out to answer the question: "What does it mean to be human?". Unfortunately for TTT, the puzzle gameplay and limited environments create a boring package for the message it's delivering.

A cartoonishly gorgeous walking simulator set in stunning Shoshone National Park. As someone who enjoys hiking and camping in real life, a walking sim set in a national park was right up my alley. The game presents an interesting narrative that blends interpersonal relationships and campy mystery themes, to general success. I was disappointed at some of the story reveals, but every radio interaction with Delilah made up for it. One of my favorite walking sims.

100% Completion Notes: An actually fun list that I haven't come to expect from walking sims. The list encourages you to explore the park and find plenty of fun easter eggs. The 100% definitely enriched the experience.