if you play this game with more than two players crash has no eyebrows. you’re welcome.

it’s games like these where I ask myself “do I want to invest more time into this game than I feel it deserves?”
the answer is no, by the way.

imagine you’re sitting in your throne room and some fuckin orange sock puppet barges in and beats your ass

there is no joke. please play this game. thank you and goodnight.

the fucking guttural, primal screech my brother and I let out when we saw slicers.

men only want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting

it’s retiring to a nice, big beach, with a nice, big drink, and a woman with nice.. big.. bags of ice for my head

revised because I played the Japanese easy mode

removing knockback actually makes this game enjoyable

I couldn’t even try to get through this, I played for like 30 minutes and got so bored I wanted to blow my goddamn brains out

simon's theme kicked in near the end of the final boss like a fuckin shonen anime and honestly I'm here for it

smithy really said "I'm gonna waste like forty five minutes of your time and there's nothing you can do about it" and I would like to fucking kill him for that

never said I HAVE to beat every game if I don't like it.

I can at least give the MSX version credit for being well made and if it weren't for the janky feeling controls and awful checkpoint system I would've liked it more and finished it.