62 Reviews liked by StuffFromDan

Cool in concept but has too many issues for me to fully enjoy it. The level design overuses quickstep sequences like crazy and for some reason they get really stuck on the sliding under barriers thing. It is EVERYWHERE. Also idk if this was just a me issue but unless you were at full speed it felt like the characters kept getting stuck on flat terrain, like as if simply making them walk was pulling all of the muscles in their bodies. It made short distance platforming a NIGHTMARE. Still a cool project but too rough for me to want to revisit.

scared to play a girly game?? huh?? afraid to feel whimsy?? pussy

the fact that you have to look up a map for this game in order to beat it without ripping your hair out is pretty damning considering there's literally a map function in-game. that said, i like the gameplay. and mega man.

went in with no expectations and got my dick blown off

One of the best sonic games is a visual novel. That's something I NEVER thought I'd even say.

"mmm yesss, you may play as your favorite characters in a similar vein to the Adventure series once again..."

[a finger on the monkey paw curls...]

"...but THIS time, they'll all play like hot garbage! and have limited playability! in a poorly-designed DLC that doesn't really expand on anything! and we'll hype it up for an entire year before release! ooOOOhoohoohooHOO~!" - Sega witches, probably

Jesus Christ.

Look, I'm sure I'm one of the few people on this god forsaken planet who actually enjoys playing the additional characters in Sonic. Tails is my favorite character to play in the series because his moveset really prioritized exploration and speed. But fuck, I can't even make it to him because I just cannot stand how these characters control here. Knuckles is so fucking terrible to control it's like I took a timewarp to 2006, I had my controls invert, revert, and invert again the span of seconds while climbing a wall, it just feels so terrible. I just don't want to go any further with this, it feels so bad and once again I guess I shouldn't be surprised at Sonic Team dropping the god damn ball. Seriously, can we just dissolve that team and give this franchise to the Yakuza devs, please. I sincerely doubt they could make a worse Sonic experience than Sonic Team.

first game to almost give me a blister. Is that good? Is that bad? cesltese

the majority of gamers are immune to zombies

i speak for everyone when i say this is incredible.

as close to god as you can get.

I wish I could feel anything when I played this game

no game has ever visually overstimulated me this much

one time i went to school wearing a luma plush keychain on my backpack and the class stoner guy came up to me during gym and pointed at it and said "hey who is that? do you know what thats from?" and i said "mario?" and he said "no....thats the SUPER mario" and then he walked away and we never spoke again