This is my favorite video game. Do I think it's the best video game? No. Despite that, it's still my favorite. I appreciate everything about it, and while some things like characters can be weaker compared to other games, for what it is (a game that's only supposed to last a few hours) I think it fits perfectly. I'd even argue that it's more important for a character to make an impact if their time's short than to just be there, and that's sort of how Cave Story does it.

Knowing where everything already is just makes things better on replay for me. I've played the game enough times to know all of that, and you'd think it would get tiring, but it doesn't, aside from the dog fetch quest and the Jellyfish Juice stuff in Grasstown. I can turn my brain off and blast stuff. It's pretty fun.

Important thing to note is that Cave Story was made by only one person through the course of about 5-6 years if I'm remembering correctly. Even today, that's rather impressive, and if it's not, then that's because of how much things have changed. Cave Story was the game to cause that change. Pixel wanted to make a game and he stuck with it. developing it all the while learning how to do it all, which isn't to say he didn't have experience making games prior, but that he never made a game the size of Cave Story prior. Respect to that. Respect to ZUN as well.

If you want to make a video game by yourself, you can. It'll take many years, but the point is that with time and effort, you can do the same, as long as you've got passion. I'm not one of those people, but those people do exist. To walk near a flame, Toby Fox has played the game and enjoyed it a lot.

So yeah, I like this game

Insane mode is bullshit and I hate it so much why is it the only harder mode available actual slop

Super Meat Boy may be in my top 5 but don't be mistaken, I utterly despise it. But I got to this point which proves something.

This game is great but Nicalis can eat the dark part of a rotting banana and slip on the peel they drop onto the ground like a non-ground-respecting idiot. Same goes for Ballos on Hard, that's the one thing I probably won't conquer

I'd give it 6 stars if it had rollback

I bought this game for like 15 bucks back in the day and I got the rest for free. Mad props for the game actually being excellent too, really was my shit when it came out.

I don't know how to condense my words and I'm too lazy to write walls of text, so just take my word for it, this game's got a ton of charm and you must listen to its soundtrack now.

I overleveled Dante so that he would really be Dante from the Devil May Cry series. The guides were wrong, he was easily the best party member in the final battles, but that's also because I didn't feel like fusing a certain demon to get a certain skill on Demi-fiend. Honestly like a 9/10 or 8.5. Not too sure which. Definitely enjoyed my time however.
Small edit: The reason why the guides were wrong is because in HD, Dante gets Pierce. 4 stars mainly because ATLUS' business practices are goofy.

I liked it enough to 100% it (unlocked Meat Ninja, didn't bother with achievements) but I can't say it was enjoyable doing that much. That being said, 4 stars, pretty solid game. Play on PC, the new ports have an inferior soundtrack (imo) which you can't change

His canon last name was too long so I called him Gayman. Kazuya Gayman.

I like this game and all, but may I remind everyone that Nintendo uses Windows 98 for their servers

Very good gameplay but holy shit the story and (most of) the characters SUCK. I actually prefer Disgaea 1 for some reason despite how archaic it is, easier to 100% and endearing characters I guess.

If you gave this anything below 4 stars, you got filtered