this is just one of those games, the kind of game that going in you just know is already regarded as a masterpiece and you fully expect that praise to reach to you too and it simply just does. this game is amazing, can't even recall many specific issues at all. swagness overload

does the best at literally every aspect that makes up a pokemon game except maybe the pokemon designs themselves in 3 were just a tad better overall, but aside from that it's the series pinaccle

in many ways they got it right on the first try but they experimented a little too much and probably should have just made every level green hill act 1

i think this is probably the single most replayed game of my entire life

really awesome but i find myself missing a lot of zelda staple mechanics and shit while playing like items that do unique things and real dungeons but its still nice

classic sonic without parts that suck plus its also so cool and radical!

ooo this game real good real nice i love the power ups

fucking play this game formal announcement from literally everyone (mainly me)

god i love mario kart after the DLC this probably gonna be the best

its tennis it made waluigi maybe it sucks actually