Honestly, not a bad game. After the shit heap of 6 and 7, this game was a nice breath of fresh air. I like the new artist and the slight redesigns they did of everyone. It looks really nice. New characters look cool too.

I'm glad they finally updated and moved onto the next generation of consoles in a new and interesting way. X, Zero and Axl all have a unique way of playing that makes them distinct and equally viable compared to one another. I had fun playing as everyone one and switched them up depending on the stage (unlike 7 where I sidelined Axl after I got X lol). Giving Zero different weapons he can switch between anytime is cool, X's interchangeable armor is cool, and Axl's copyshot not being worthless is cool.

Chip system is alright, if not a bit grindy. Some stages still are a bit dickish and too long for me sometimes.

Overall, I liked this game. If they had continued, I bet refining this style would've eventually made a great game. But things ending here is fine with me. Give it a shot and see if you like it.

A bit better than the first one, but not by much.

I definitely liked this game the most out of all four games. It felt the most streamlined and absent of most of the annoying gimmicks or ideas incorporated throughout the series. That stuff was cool though, and there's definitely some stuff noticeably absent in this game, but I won't get into that. I just think this is a solid game all around.

I guess I'll use this to say my thoughts on the Zero series overall.

I think it was interesting watching the games evolve as I played. It was a continuation of the X series I wasn't entirely expecting, and there were elements I liked and disliked. The cyber-elf system felt initially frustrating, but once you understand how it all works, it gets better. I appreciate how it was improved upon in each game (might be subjective).

Zero was a treat to play as. The controls felt much more fluid and fast than most of the X games, and blasting through enemies with the variety of Zero's weapons was great. I especially loved using the beam saber, because shredding through enemies with it just feels great. The touch of enemies getting sliced in half when you kill them is great too.

Level design could be hit or miss. I think it was mostly solid, but I don't appreciate the spike fetish some levels had.

The story was kind of "eh," I guess. The themes it explored were new for the series, but they never go into too much depth with anything. I wish Zero got more development, because most of the time he's just a stoic badass who seemingly isn't fazed by anything. This is such a far cry from the X series. I haven’t played the ZX games yet, but I hope we get more into story stuff concerning this far future of the Mega Man series.

Overall, I liked these games. They had some problems, but it's good and definitely more consistent than the X series. They aren't too long either, so it's easy to get through and even replay them.

Good collection that contains a great, consistent series of games. I don't think a single game in here is awful, which is more than you could say for the X and Classic collections.

I binged all the 2D platformer Mega Man games and now that I'm at the end, I'm a bit sad. I've grown to really like this series. I think it's great, some frustrating elements aside. You should definitely play Mega Man.

I didn't like this game as much as the first one, but that doesn't mean I thought it was bad. I thought iX1 was a great game while this is just an okay game.

I think my biggest issue is the gameplay changes they made to Copen himself. I've heard the argument that the previous system made it too easy to zoom around levels, thereby making players not pay attention to the level design, but still, I don't like the change. The new weapon is also cool (and a sort-of throwback to MM Zero) but it just isn't as effective or as easy to use as Copen's original blaster. I loved the entire system of flying into enemies, locking-on, floating and then doing the same to the next enemy. But the way it's done now just feels clunky. Locking Copen's old play style to Overdrive is a reasonable compromise I guess, but I wish it was like that all the time.

Story is pretty meh. English voice acting ranges from good, competent, to not-so-great. I assume some of them had bad directing or something. Locking the true ending behind hard mode is FUCKING STUPID. I HATE IT SO MUCH. Especially when you make hard mode brutally difficult compared to the base game, which was a little too easy at points. Not exactly a great balance.

Level design is good. Much more variety than iX1. EX Weapons interacting with stages in unique ways is also nice. Probably the only thing I think this game does better than the first one.

So yeah, I don’t think the game is bad but I'm not a fan of the direction they went in here. Maybe if I replay the game I'll learn to appreciate it more, but for now, I like this less.

Funny little platformer with fun physics where you swing and zoom. It's a decent time and I'm sure there's great replay value in zooming through the levels as fast as possible.

Objectively the best game in the Gunvolt series. Gunvolt and Copen are both a blast to play as. I would highly recommend this game.

Amazing game. One of the best platformers I've ever played, easily. I highly recommend this game. It will surprise you and do things you don't expect at all. It just kept getting better and better throughout my playtime. So yeah, play this game if you can.

The House in Fata Morgana is beautiful, gut-wrenching, masterful and breathtaking. This visual novel will take you on a journey unlike any other, so I can't recommend it enough. You might cry, you might get angry, you might be happy, but in the end, I guarantee it'll emotionally resonate with you. Nothing that had so much heart clearly put into it could leave anyone walking away from it not having gained something from the experience of reading it. I'm so glad I finally read it, because it's an experience I'll never forget. Play this. PLAY IT. PLAY IT FUCKING NOW.

A nice companion piece to the original game. While it doesn't quite reach the peak of the original, I think it justifies its own existence with all the new stuff that it adds. I would still recommend playing it just for being some good quality Fata content.

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It's Tetris but cool and aesthetic and god do I love Tetris anyway.

Tetris Effect introduces some cool new mechanics like ZONE and some really fun cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes. Journey Mode is also a visual and auditory treat from beginning to end.

I consider Tetris the perfect game so I think my rating is justified.

Play Tetris.

A fantastic 2-hour romp that doesn't overstay its welcome. Online 6-player co-op with both online and local players is just the icing on the cake. This is a great time with friends, so I recommend getting as many as you can. Well worth the playthrough.