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I have complicated feelings about this game. As someone who has played from the Sky games up to now, I often heard people ridicule CS as a downgrade, or at the very least, not as good as what came before.

Now, while I certainly have some problems with the game, there are also things that I was pleasantly surprised by.

For one, I liked the new additions to combat. ARCUS, weapon types, and balance were all really cool to use and take advantage of. They changed the quartz system which I'm sure is controversial with a lot of older fans but as someone who never got too into it, it doesn't bother me that much.

What really grinds my gears about this game is the pacing and the structure. It's okay at first, but eventually the monotony and pacing of going to (blank) location followed by doing set amount of tasks starts getting really monotonous and repetitive. I understand why the game spends so much time with smaller scale stuff building up the characters and the world, but it didn't really grip me most of the time. I like the main cast, but most of them came off as pretty tropey and a lot of writing made me roll my eyes. It's Trails but with modern anime tropes instead of 2000s tropes. Yay.

By the end of the game, I was just waiting for it to fucking end. It doesn't help I extended my playtime by talking to every NPC at Thors and Trista every time the story moved forward so I had hours of just doing the rounds before I even got to do anything. I also marathoned the game by the end because I was under time crunch. All of those things are my fault though, so I can't really blame the game for that.

At the very least all the build up led to that EPIC ending. Trails loves doing that thing where shit gets real by the end and you're dying to see what happens next (most of the time). That final fight with the mechs though.... that credits song though..... THAT ENDING though.... singlehandedly bumped my rating up a bit.

There was a lot of times where I found CS1 boring, with glimmers of interest sprinkled in-between. Mix that with some tropey high school anime writing and I wasn't entirely always with the game. I'm glad that by the end it manages to pull off some massive twists and turns. I'm optimistic for CS2 when I get around to it.

I was pretty hyped for this game and while I feel a bit underwhelmed, it was still a good time the entire way through. Kirin is a great new character that plays completely differently from Gunvolt and Copen respectively. If there's one thing I can respect this series for, it's that it tries new things.

I'm a bit let down by the plot itself, but I think this game has the most solid cast and overall writing. This is helped by a few elements I won't get into because spoilers.

This game is definitely very replayable, and I'll definitely be replaying it again in the future. This game and iX1 are the most replayable for me. It's still a good game and I'd recommend it.


A decent 8-bit throwback game. It's generally polished and just the right length where it doesn't get boring. I'd recommend it to classic Castlevania fans or people who like these retro-inspired games.

Despite the many mixed reviews I saw before playing this game, it ended up being a pretty decent time. I will say though that you should NOT play this game by yourself. This is best enjoyed with one other friend at least, and I think you'll get the most out of it that way.

The gameplay is varied and distinct between each of the classes. I chose the Shinobi, and his mobility really made getting around a whole lot easier. I can see how backtracking through levels could get really annoying, as I saw my friend, who played Witch, having to experience. It was fun locking onto enemies and spamming them with attacks. It really comes in handy.

There isn't too much in level or enemy variety, which is the main reason I think playing this game solo could be an absolute slog. Having those other players there to work with you and take on bosses really enhances the experience a lot. There's definitely plenty they could do to make the gameplay better if they ever make a sequel. I think getting rid of some of the tedium in level variety and structure would help a lot. And just ironing out all the little janky things for quality of life.

I still enjoyed my time though, and I think this series has a lot of potential if they ever make a sequel (which I would actually love). There's more I could say but I think that's enough. I think half the price it currently is is good for this game. Also, like I said before, a great one with friends.

Decent beat-em-up that's rough in some areas but is an overall okay time.

Decent game. Absolute absolutely builds on top of the already great mobile port to make a definitive edition of the game with many QoL improvements and tweaks.

Funny little boss gauntlet. Being multiplayer is a plus.

About the same as the first game. Only one player getting the weapon depending on the score is cringe but it does add competitiveness. And four characters over three is cool I guess.

Pretty good. The animations are insane and the violence is gratuitous in a good way. A blast to play with a friend.

Improvement over the first game just by being slightly better in every department all around. A really great time

A decent platformer. It's not especially difficult, but the emotion system and the puzzle-focused aspect to the level design makes it a pretty relaxing time. Not too long either, if you're looking for something short.

A really solid game the entire way through. The worst part by far is the boss battles, but other than that, and some weird level design quirks every once in a while, it's good. WAY better than Sonic Heroes (bad game).

Fantastic, amazing game. One of the best on the Super Nintendo, and arguably, of all time. I personally don't think so, but this is still objectively a stellar game. The atmosphere is peak here. You always know where to go intuitively because the level design in this game is top-notch. There's never a dull moment and it never outstays its welcome. It also hasn't aged badly at all, although I still prefer how later Metroids control. If you have to play any 2D Metroid, this one is it. You won't be disappointed. I know I wasn't.

I still like Zero Mission more though. Kill me if you must, 90s kids.

Ender Lilies is a beautiful, atmospheric and at the same time horrific Metroidvania. You're tasked with making your way through a ruined kingdom, purifying "blighted" souls. Through your journey, you'll slowly uncover how everything went so horribly wrong. There's so much worldbuilding here, and the environments are lovingly drawn to showcase their beauty and vileness. There's so much to explore and uncover using the abilities you get along the way and your own curiosity. The level design and enemies can also be quite challenging, so don't underestimate them, especially when it comes to learning their patterns.

This was an amazing experience. Everything about this game is great: the story, the graphics, the gameplay, and the soundtrack (which is beautiful, to keep overusing that word). If you're looking for a challenging game or just something to get deeply immersed in, this is it. I wholly recommend it.

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Just like the original, I have some mixed feelings about this game. While there are definitely notable improvements in the combat and SOME of the pacing, there are still frustrating and disappointing elements.

Coming off the ending of Cold Steel 1, I was expecting a really exciting story with high stakes taking place in the middle of the civil war. The idea of Rean being separated from his classmates and needing to travel across the continent to get them back while also contending with the war was really interesting to me. The actual story of CS2 is similar to this, but also not. You reunite with your classmates pretty quickly and then spend the rest of the time being this third force for good in the war, which you're not seeing most of. You're retreading the same areas you explored in the first game with like one or two new sections. I can see how originally this game and CS1 were going to be a single game in that respect. It really did feel like Cold Steel 1.5. I liked the new format at first, but it quickly got repetitive.

As I was playing this game, something finally occurred to me: following a guide to do and see EVERYTHING actually really makes the game repetitive. I think part of the reason the Sky games and Zero were so fun for me was knowing nothing and just going forward. I missed out on content, but it was my experience of letting myself be immersed, 100% or not. That's why I think being a completionist can make these games less fun for me.

Like I said before, the story disappointed me, but I didn't hate it. I just wish the execution could've been better. Still a decent time, just not my favourite. I will say they're setting up some cool stuff, and the side story with Lloyd and Rixia came completely by surprise and was awesome. I liked the cast and Class VII I guess. Definitely frustrated me but they're not bad characters. I still think the Crossbell and Sky games did it better. I liked Jusis and Gaius. Rean had nice development. Still plenty of groanworthy moments like the first game.

The gameplay was fine. The mech battles were cool. Overdrive and Burst are a thing. Spirit Unification is cool but busted. Quartz stuff is still simplified from the older games, but I don't mind the new system. Sometimes the game feels cheesy so I cheese it back.

I wish the epilogue was just scenes. The final dungeon, while not long, wasn't a welcome surprise for me. I was shocked it still wasn't over to be honest. Cold Steel 2 sure doesn't end.

I don't hate this game, but it isn't my favourite. There's still plenty of Trails in there, but sometimes there's anime game too. I've heard mixed things about CS3 and 4, but hopefully I can enjoy them. Trails still really means a lot to me.

The OST is fucking BASED though. Falcom's sound team are the GOATs. Easily my favourite part of the game. Sad to hear most of them left after this.