I wanted to love this but couldn't get invested, which is a bummer cuz the concept of adventuring as pirates with your friends is right up my alley. The gameplay just wasn't very fun and the world didn't seem all that exciting to explore past a couple hours.

Pretty fun with a friend you can chat with while waiting for things to happen. Hate to admit it gave me several frights in the silliest ways

One of those games I would never have picked up on my own, but playing through it with a friend who already knew the ins and outs of it wasn't half bad. It really did become a lot more fun after getting the grappling hook. The story was boring and Crane is a painfully uncharismatic protagonist, but thankfully you can skip most cutscenes so it didn't totally ruin the experience.

Fun little platformer with a banger soundtrack

The combat is okay and I like the artstyle but somehow I feel so empty when I play this, like I'm barely experiencing anything worthwhile. The gacha system is very demotivating also.

Only mobile exclusive game I'm willing to log just cuz I love this franchise. Enjoyable and moderately challenging rhythm game with songs that bump SO hard. Nice art and voice acting, story seems fun too from what little I've seen so far.

Edit - Oct 26th, 2022: My hyperfixation on HypMic is now completely unhinged to the point where I hardly think about anything else and this game is partially to blame. +0.5 stars for getting me to play this daily for exactly 3 months straight today, it's just fun man

Admittedly my opinion of this game soured when my friends wanted to start all over after 20 hrs of playtime when one of us died and lost their stuff in an endgame cave. I don't blame them, but retreading the same exact steps for another 10 hrs got old before it even began. To me survival games are only really fun and replayable when they're built around prominent RNG elements, which The Forest isn't.

Combat is lackluster and base building isn't really worthwhile. Blind exploration was kinda fun the first time around, although the caves lack variety and the world itself feels pretty hollow and unimmersive. The innumerable bugs we encountered ranged from funny visual glitches to frustrating softlocks, mostly hindering the experience.

It was an okay time with friends for one playthrough, but I have no interest in revisiting it again.

There's not much I can say about DOOM that hasn't been said before, just wish I experienced it sooner. The movement and combat combined are more fluid and satisfying than possibly any first-person game I've ever played.

Found this at a local used games store, had to get it because the entire concept of an Evangelion rhythm game was too perplexing to pass up. My expectations weren't all too high but I ended up having a great time with this game! Of course it helps that I enjoy NGE in general, but nonetheless this was a pleasant surprise, especially for a PSP title. There's enough variety in game modes to keep it engaging, inputs are accurate (albeit pretty lenient), and the tracklist is solid. Hard mode is even more fun, I'll probably come back some day and replay all the levels now that it's unlocked.

It's been 3 years since I last played Destiny, I didn't mind it at the time but now this is nothing more to me than a serviceable - albeit bland and generic - shooter. Graphics look fine, environments are dull, gameplay is just okay, missions are repetitive, the score is nice at times, enemies are boring.

I gave up after spending over an hour failing a Strike mission with some random guy. It becomes tedious having to fight the same three waves of enemies repeatedly with no checkpoints in between progress, especially when the mission difficulty isn't scaled based on the amount of players.

The cars control like soap bars on a wet floor and I'm upset that my childhood memories of this game were deceitfully positive.

Playing 3v1 with friends is pretty fun, online play often feels unbalanced in favor of the killer. Or maybe we just suck. Either way it's an okay game but seems underdeveloped considering how long it's been out and regularly updated. I probably won't ever go out of my way to grind for perks and shit, doesn't seem like a game I'd enjoy playing alone anyways. I only bought DBD because my good friend wanted me to, but I didn't know about the NFT stuff beforehand and now I feel guilty for giving this company even $10.

Edit - Jan 10th, 2022:
The Wraith is a good example of a killer that makes any match as a survivor pure misery. His invisibility has to be one of the most easily exploitable powers in the game.

First I spent an hour losing my fucking mind because I didn't know how to catch the fish, but then I figured it out and played this game exclusively for three days with the music turned off because it was stuck on a 3 second loop

Found the disk for this game today after god knows how many years, it's really just inoffensively average. Definitely meant to be played with a dance pad, way too easy with a controller.

Played 2P Arcade at a retro console showcase with my friend, it was surprisingly smooth and fun! Also my first time ever playing the Dreamcast since nobody I knew growing up had one.