The GOAT of strategy games.
It does not get old.
Nostalgia is a hell of a thing.

Good Setting
Good Characters and Story

Lack of RPG elements
Lack of difficulty before New Game +

Great game! The music and exploration elements are great.

The one big complaint I would have is that you cannot find or equip armor pieces. You are limited to weapons and spells to find mainly. So if you don't do alot of spellcasting and get a couple of good weapons, it feels like there is not really anything exciting to find anymore.

Back in like year 2000, I had to play the demo because my dad did not want me to play online (I was 11).

Dad drowned in the Halas water. It was literally pitch black screen underwater so he got desperate and had me locate his body at the bottom. Can't remember how long it took to find, but after that I was allowed to play.

Just the right balance of exploration and progression without holding your hand. Not a theme park MMO trying to boost you to max level as soon as possible.

Admittedly, without nostalgia for it the combat speed may be too big of a barrier to overcome.

Still playing on and off on different progression servers to this day!

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Not many games I recall where the villain essentially wins and destroys the planet. You literally have to rebuild with just Celes as she contemplates suicide instead of pressing forward.

Some of it is likely nostalgia, but this is one of the greatest games I have ever played. Will continue to play through it every few years.

Pretty much got scammed with this one...sad

Some of the best combat introduced into a JRPG to date. There are 20 characters that all have different playstyles which adds so much more to the experience. Skill trees for each character are a little too linear, but the different sigils you can attach add the right amount of customization to playing.

Story is a little generic so I would not go in expecting that to be the main draw of the game.

RIP whole entire series pretty much

One of the first computer games I ever played. Unforgettable.

Great game with tons of potential to customize your character. I love items that change how skills work or how they are scaled and this has plenty of that. Tons of moments where something drops and you now want to make a new character using that item.

They need to add more endgame which they have already stated they are working on. They also need to go back and adjust some of the older classes. I imagine they will do this slowly over time and the game will continue to improve!

The best survivor-like game I have played. Cannot wait for it to fully release.

Game just started Early Access and has more content than Hades 1 did. This is a dream for anyone that liked Hades 1...if you did not like that then you will not like this either for sure.

It honestly doesn't even feel very EA. Most of the game is polished at a release level. Everything you get now and to come for only $29.99 is hard to beat.

They have a lot more planned to add and I will likely bump this up to 5* once it is all in.

Game is a ton of fun. I love all of the gear you can get to customize the characters. This game still needs a lot of content to be added. They have a roadmap for it all so I can see this rising up once they get that all in.

One of the great ARPGs. Sad they ruined the series...