(This is a review of the new Weekend 1 update that came out recently)
I’ve been sort of neglecting my connection to FNF the past few months due to being embarrassed to have liked it so much despite it’s negative perception in online spaces. I stopped listening to the soundtrack, stopped playing mods as much as I used to and barely kept up with a community I had spent nearly 4 years interacting with.
Then a new update to the base game came out and I rediscovered why I fell in love with this game years ago. There’s something about this game’s charm and aesthetic that I’ve never seen in any other game before. The artstyle is gorgeous, the songs are catchy despite having gibberish for lyrics, it’s respect towards Newgrounds and it’s history as a massive website for artists and creatives, etc. Its honestly inspiring how much passion was put into a game like this.
But anyways, onto the update itself. The new Week (or really Weekend I should be saying) is great and really showcases what the devs have been up to in the time between this and the Week 7 update. A whole engine rework, better input system, new shaders, fully hand animated cutscenes that are amazing to watch and some great new music. I really like the idea of having epilogues to weeks in the form of Weekends levels where we play as a different character, with this Weekend being an epilogue to Week 3 and sort of Week 7 as well where we see what happened to Pico. It helps with the world building of the game, that not everything is happening to our main characters. This update also added in new Erect remixes, basically harder versions of already existing songs in the game. They’re all great to listen to and the guest musicians they got on these songs were cool to see, going from some pretty renowned musicians in the mod community to even the composer who worked on the Tekken series, Kohta Takahashi.
Overall, an amazing update to the game. Can’t wait to see what the devs come up with for the next one.

An expanded version of that one Hunger Games simulator that adds real time events, a fleshed out character creator, customizable maps and allows 100+ characters to be in a match. It gets the job done for what it is. A lot of the enjoyment comes from seeing a bunch of your favourite characters get into these situations that are funny to imagine like Invader Zim teaming up with Freddy Fazbear or Scott Pilgrim being drowned in a lake by Shadow the Hedgehog. I'd recommend getting it if you're even a bit interested considering how cheap it is on Steam.

I'm honestly really shocked with how good a fighting game based on a series with turn based combat is. They manage to incorporate elements of typical Persona gameplay like SP and element attacks like Ziodyne in such a smooth way that blends seamlessly with the fighting. The story was also entertaining but suffered a bit from the way it presents itself, especially in the P4A campaign. Events usually get repeated a lot with only miniscule differences in between each character's story which makes it very confusing as to what's actually canon and what isn't. This was fixed in the Ultimax campaign though by just having a semi-straight path you progress through instead of individual character stories. Other than that, the campaigns were cool and it was fun seeing the P3 and P4 cast interact with each other. Makes me excited to see them talk with each other more when I play Persona Q. But now I can finally move on to the game I've been most excited to play next... Persona 5 Royal.

Just a short interactive teaser made to reveal a few new Bendy projects coming down the pipeline with a few fun secrets hidden around for fans. I do hope it comes back and becomes this sort of central hub for upcoming Bendy news as it’s a fun way of announcing stuff for the series.

Might as well give this a review while I’m in the middle of my P4AU playthrough.
Honestly? I do think The Answer is kinda overhated but at the same time I can see why people don’t like it. Personally, I think it’s a nice expansion that helps tie up some loose ends in P3’s main story as well as give us a proper look into the characters after the events of the game. I know a LOT of people really don’t like the way specifically Yukari acts in this. Without going into spoilers, I think she was completely justified in her feelings but I do think she’s goes a bit over the top at certain moments but it’s realistic for someone like her who’s going through that sort of situation to listen to your emotions more than your logic.
Now while I like the story of The Answer, the gameplay is something I’m more mixed about. I would consider myself a pretty big defender of P3FES’s gameplay (I think I’m one of the few people who like the AI party members.) but even I can’t deny that The Answer is a lot more tedious and monotonous with it’s gameplay. The great thing about P3’s gameplay was how you were essentially given breaks in between the dungeon crawling through the normal daytime activities like social links. It gave you something to do other than just grind for levels for the next full moon operation. But since The Answer is meant to just be a short (for a JRGP) expansion, they decided to axe out daytime activities in favour of just dungeon crawling. It just starts to feel tiring after a while and it never picks up.
Overall, I would only really recommend The Answer if you want to find out what happened after P3 and you want more Aigis content (which btw her arc in this is very well done).

Incredible. While I still prefer Persona 3 a lot more than this one, I can't deny this was such a fun trip of a game. I love how much more light-hearted it was and how great the characters were (favourites this time were Teddie, Kanji and Naoto). I do think the combat was a hell of a lot easier than P3FES but that could just be because I didn't put up with the AI party members this time. Even then I found myself clearing dungeons out extremely easily. I might try the game on a harder difficulty if I do a new game + run in the future to see if it would improve the combat. The story was incredibly good. Even with the lighter tone, the serious moments still hit hard and the mystery element is really neat idea. I do think the game kinda derails itself with the story with the extra content at the end but it still managed to make itself interesting. Excited to move on to Persona 5 (after I play some of the spin-off games like Arena and stuff first though).

A fun update to one of the best games from last year. The Noise is fun to play as but can be a bit too chaotic with his moveset for my liking which still makes me prefer playing as Peppino (though being more chaotic is very fitting for his character). It was fun going through the game as him and seeing what changes were in each level. I'd recommend playing through this even if you've already beaten Pizza Tower's original campaign as there's enough changes to make it still fun and unique on replay.

It’s going to be a bit hard for me to write about my feelings for this game so please pardon me if I loose a bit of focus in this review.
One of the greatest games I think I’ve ever played. I know the gameplay is a bit controversial with people due to it changing directly commanding party members like a traditional RPG to having them being AI but I think it’s very overhated and adds more to the immersion of the game. Sure, some of the quirks of the AI can be a bit annoying but if you know how to fully take advantage of the tactics menu it’s not a big issue. The story present here is so unexpectedly mature and thoughtful and it’s made better with likeable characters who you grow to care about throughout the game thanks to excellent writing. The day cycle is such a unique gameplay feature that I rarely see other RPGs do. It’s nice to have breaks in between the dungeon crawling and story events by making friends or going shopping. The social links themselves are very good as well (aside from the gourmet king) and a smart way of implementing side characters into the story. The main characters themselves are great too. Some of my favourites were Aigis, Mitsuru and Shinji (Elizabeth too but idk if I would consider her to be a “main” character). The actual gameplay during the Dark Hour is also a lot of fun. Personas are a pretty neat concept and having the ability to essentially have multiple movesets at your disposal adds another layer of strategy to the game that I really enjoy. Tartarus, while it can be tedious sometimes, is a fun area to explore and fight enemies in. I also like how each block changes the visual style to keep things interesting as you progressively make your way up. Overall I greatly enjoyed my time with this game. I would highly recommend playing it, especially if you love character-focused stories in media.

Pretty good season. The new map was neat but some of the new locations are a bit uninteresting and forgettable. The new weapon modding system is really cool but I wish the mod benches were more common around the map. The battlepass was really strong, I didn't really dislike any of the skins. Collabs were really good as well, especially the TMNT event and mini-pass. The new gamemodes added are fun and can be a nice break from the main BR mode. Overall, a fun season and a good start to the new chapter.

For a shitpost it's pretty high quality but there isn't really a point in playing it unless you know the context behind the game.

Genuinely incredible mod that masterfully expands upon Half-Life's story. It brings together so many elements from across the series like the connections to the Portal games with characters like Wilson and bringing back enemies from the original Half-Life and it's expansion Opposing Forces in such a way that you can tell this was made by people that truly loved the series. The story is also surprisingly deep and existentially and really goes into how desperate the people who join the Combine are. It's really commendable how Breadman and his team managed to make such an amazing sequel to a fairly barebones mod. Would highly recommend.

Quick disclaimer: I have only played the Pacifist Route so far. I plan on playing the other routes in the future at some point. All my thoughts on the game may be reconsidered after I play the other routes. I will be doing 2 other reviews after I beat each of the 2 remaining routes.
Probably one of the best fangames I have ever played. Beautifully recreates what made the original so endearing with some nice changes where necessary. I felt like some characters could've been expanded upon a bit further like Dalv but I was satisfied by the story and arcs anyways. I'm not really a fan of the difficulty spike near the end, especially with the final boss but I toughened through it. 1000% would recommend if you enjoyed the original Undertale in any capacity. My deepest respect for the dev team for sticking with the game for so long.

It is such a strange feeling playing a Postal game without it's infamous jank.
Incredibly fun boomershooter that doesn't take itself seriously at all. Though the humour is a bit hit or miss, especially some of the boss fights. Still this game has shown that it may still be a good idea to franchise out the Postal series, even if the time they did that before this showed... less than pleasing results...
Also every single shotgun should come equipped with a grappling hook in every game from now on.

Played this on a whim while looking through the SNES NSO library out of boredom.
Very addictive puzzle game with some great sprite work. Took me a bit to understand how the game worked as all the text was in Japanese but I figured it out soon enough as the game is really simple but still effective and fun.
Worth a play if you are big on puzzle games.

Good way to kick off 2024. Up there with Super Mario Bros. 3 as one of the most technically impressive games on the NES. It's very commendable how they managed perfect the 2D Kirby formula so early into the series' life. The boss fights were a huge highlight for me, especially that final boss. Would recommend you check it out.