This game has been my personal lost media for 14 years. I only had vague memories and didnt remember its name. Now that I finally found it again, all I can say is: eh...

The things I said about Norrath also apply to this. This has some QOL improvements and some new abilities. Also I think it's kinda funny when you kill innoruuk in the first game but then take the evil route in this game and revive him. Oh yeah, you can import your characters from norrath into this game which is really cool.

To this day one of the best local coop games I have played. Which is a low bar because the combat and dungeon design in this game is kinda bad most of the time. But name another local 4 player RPG. I'll wait

You would think a game about cycling down a mountain wouldn't make for an interesting level variety but they put so many cool set pieces into this game like the looping, canyon, mine or golf course!

Sadly this game has three major downsides:
1. Cant play most of the cool tracks on 4 player mode
2. No real catchup mechanic
3. Ebay

Pls Buff Milchschnitte!!! All she can do is push stuff... are you serious??!! Also make Paradiso playable in the next update! Cant wait for the Maxi King DLC

I know people love this and I appriciate the vibe and cool ideas it has but this game never managed to not frustrate me whenever I played it. I dread every single dungeon in this game and ask myself why I even turned it on.

The death screens you can't see coming made me break my legs because I didnt wanna break the NES controller because im hardware respector

Too vertical.
Also once I found out that if you miss shots some hidden value decreases I became to scared in my owm skin to play this game.

My very first NES cart.
SMB and Tetris are obviously goated but Nintendo World Cup could have really been replaced with a good game. Oh well

I like the 8 bit renditions of the music but other than that this is a terrible port of the arcade game which you should play instead

You can make them say "Swat" which as a kid I assumed was a very bad swear word. I mean thats what it sounds like right?

Also in multiplayer we destroyed all the light sources so the map was completely dark. Life was more simple back then

Naja wie soll ich sagen... deine aussprache waaar... nicht gut... nicht schlecht... IRGENDWO DAZWISCHEN

Sry only german speaking ppl will understand. Oh you cant speak german? Then get this game and learn german *talkman theme plays

On the Beach Level you could remove the underwear from the ladies with the sticker tool. Later I discovered Newgrounds Adults Section

Very unfinished and the idea of mixing IWBTG with Lemmings doesn't really work for me but props for being inovative and trying something new. 99% of fangames should take notice

I wish Geezer finished this game instead of making Not Another Needle Game. There I said it!