You beat people up to collect seven ballz then fight a giant ball at the end and it's a super unfair fight but Arina's Ending was worth it. Also everytime you transform and she says "Super Arinaaa" my heart melts.

Also Bonus Kun inspired Punchy from Throwmance. A game not released yet as of writing this.

This seems like a 12 year old came up with the idea. "A fighting game! But with GUNS! And biiig stages! And also a countdown and the stages gets destroyed more and more as the fight goes on! You can also pick up different weapons! And there is stage hazards like a shark tank or elephants! And most stages have to take place on moving vehicles like a train, plane or boat that rocks up and down!"

And the other ppl go "That sounds impossible! Should we maybe make the stages smaller like a normal fighting game? Or is it supposed to be more of a shooting game? Also how should the stage be destroyed? And YOU WANT US TO ADD SWIMMING TOO? You're clearly 12 and it shows! You have no idea how games are made! This isn't as easy as you think!!"

The kid goes "Just make the damn game!! Also add a gorrilla"

They did make the game and it turned out great imo

Average Shoot em Up but it so quriky and random lol xddd rawrz uwu. Peak "Set Piece based Level Design" uuuh I used a made up fancy word! Guess that makes me "soo random" ... yeah... just like this game

I feel this is less pick up and play than the NES Games, probably because there are less stages to choose from at the beginning and also most Stages are rather long. Sad because as a Gameboy Game it should be more suitable to play in short bursts.

Other than that, they clearly put alot more effort into this one than the previous three gameboy games so this is definitely a great one. Crystal Man's Stage is a pain though. They nerved the falling crystals but came up with a new gimmick thats even worse.

All I remember is that this game goes on for a very long time and is really hard to lose at. It probably gets difficult if you get far enough or maybe I was playing with the wrong settings but I swear I played this for 30 minutes and by that point I was trying to lose but I just kept accidentally clearing blocks.

The music is a slapper so extra 0.5 star

I love FIghting Games but despite their similarities I can't get past how repetitive Beat em Ups are usually. Final Fight is no exception.

I think Beat em Ups just need some sort of other Gameplay Style mixed in to spice things up. Battletoads had the right idea and even though most people hate them I think the jump n Run sections in NES Double Dragon also really helped that game.

The Broom > Rush

Also I am officially in love with Franchesca

He whip his hair! He whip his backn fourth. Solid Game with an Alien Soundtrack. Has that Boards of Canada Track 3 Vibe that I feel like Megaman 10 also has in some of its Tracks. Anyways he's a great Kabuki

I wish frisbees would just bounce off walls like that irl :o

Very similar to the original but you can jump now and there are like 2 new stages. I think it could have done a little more considering that it came out 20+ years after the original. But im just happy that this sequel exists

I wish Frisbees would just bounce off walls like that irl :(

Some of my earliest Game related memories are my familiy playing this. I think it's genius how he says "Gooooo~" right after the win jingle everytime and then one of the songs also uses that sample. Okay now that I think about it there is nothing really "genius" about it but it's still nice.

A great Party game because everybody knows how to play it. And it has the little antenna for the babieess awww.

However as a CTR99 Player it is hard to get used to. Drifting pushes you outwards alot more so while im used to always drifting even on narrow straight sections I can't really do that here. There also aren't any mini turbo's to be collected during the drift which makes me feel empty inside. Also you can't spam jump to do tighter turns or just press break+downleft/downright to do ultra turns. I never feel fully in control of my mario kart.

That being said I still think this is better than the CTR Remake and I enjoy MaKa8 everytime

Sonic 2 does what Sonic wONEn't.... ... eh it sounded better in my head :(

In this game you slam your Joystick Up and Down to the music which results in it hitting the inner plastic edge of the joystick hole on your controller, making a clacking sound IRL to the beat of the music in game. They were think wayyy outside the box when they came up with that man. Phheww they were oh so clever!

Anyways Mojika is goated with her darthmaul twinbrush thing. When people say we need more strong female characters in media I hope they take notes yall.