Fun coop Survival Game. As you kill Zombies you unlock more and more weapons and upgrades. I like how crazy they get towards the end with stuff like rapid fire bazookas. But watch out for the devils

Copy of Buster Bros. which itself is just a copy of an even older Game. But this game has those devlish Devils. Hella good

The game is as good as your drawing skills. As an Artist I award this game (and therefor myself) 3 Stars


I like the Artstyle but the gameplay isnt that fun and its repetitive and just goes on and on and on.

Rock be looking like goku in the intro

Slightly better than the first since you can now chose which Boss you want and also each character has an unique special move. Wily machine scared me as a kid

Megaman but without the stages. Works well enough for an arcade game.

I enjoy the art and vibe of it. Has that true flashgame feeling to it and I mean that in the best way possible. The shot of the dude covered in blood holding his cash is ingrained into my brain and Im thankful for that.

Gameplay is an average Beat em Up nothing outstanding but it is fun completing the many challenges and upgrading your weapons. The game gets super difficult toward the end and I could never beat it.

English Translation is funny.

Fun and Short Fangame. Nothing special but as a fan of both franchises I enjoyed this

Like The incredible machine but without the charme

I spent my entire Childhood creating contraptions in this game. The soundtrack is (sry for the terminology) goated.

You could unlock secret content by setting your PC clock to different dates.

Also there is the infamous "Professor Tim Prank" where you would set your desktop background to something scary and then put four scales side by side and tie each end to the one next to it and then the leftmost end of the leftmost scale to the rightmost end of the rightmost scale. Then asking a friend to drop a steel ball on each end making the game crash instantly revealing your Desktop background as a jumpscare.

As a kid I also thought that the Professor secretly is Bob the Builder and that if you clear all stages he would reveal himself.

Later Crazy Machines came out but it got nothing on this.

This is how I fell in love with both the Ghosts n Goblins and Street Fighter Series. After you finish or quit a game you get a results screen telling you how you did and awarding you points. The more game you beat the more points you'll get so what I did was just beat Vanilla Street Fighter 2 over and over again to grind points. Thats how I got pretty good at it after a while and my love for fighting games started.

With the points you can play a slot game to unlock soundtracks, concept art and cheats. Nothing super wild but a nice addition.

I heavily associate this collection and the GnG Series with Familly Vacations because I always took this game with me and made it my goal to beat all three GnG Games before going back home.

This collection also features some lesser known Capcom Titles like Exed Exes or Vulgus.

Like Mercury on the PSP but somehow worse

This game simulates the feeling of forgetting to bring a bag to your grocery shopping and having to walk around with too many objects in your hands barely clinching to most of them while trying to balance the rest atop until finally you lose your finger strengh and all of them fall down on the floor, he milk glass breaking and the watermelon shattering resulting in a big mess. People stating at you while you feel like the worst person that ever lived.

The aesthethic makes this feel like a luxurious game for the noble folk. But in reality they made the most tedious game I have ever played in my life.

One of those game where im not sure if anybody has ever 100% it because the fun vs. difficulty ratio makes it really not worth it.

Kitty loves me > Hello Kitty
there I said it!