If you love the gameplay & the sandbox of the first game & Miles Morales then you love Spider-Man 2. Traversing around this gorgeous city is fun to roam around especially now with the inclusion of the web-glide ability. Combat is pretty great too with some new abilities for both characters though I wish the game had a proper lock-on function as they were times I wanted to target a specific enemy & the game decided instead to attack the one nearest to me. Bosses are fun & can be challenging especially on a first playthrough despite the number of combat options you have equipped.

They is a lot to experience in this game with loads of side quests & activities & the amount of detail is insane that I could see why this game cost a lot. I enjoy the number of suits you can get to even from the movies.

The story is good too though not as great as the first time around as I felt one or two conflicts interactions feeling a bit forced. While I thought the main villain in 1 is still my favourite the rogue's gallery here is still amazing especially the main antagonist Kraven who is such a delight being a ruthless killer that causes a lot of struggles for the majority of the casts both the good guys & the criminals.

Its a marvellous time that is worth picking up if you have a PS5.

Didn't like the western version but the Japanese Famicom version makes this the best NES Castlevania game. Lots of different routes to take increasing replayability. Still very difficult though.

The gameplay is probably one of the strongest in the series with some fun map designs, interesting use of the weapon triangle that now makes the opponent defenseless during the player/enemy phase if you have a superior weapon & how the classes & rings work. I assumed the rings were gonna make the game a cake walk but thankfully that wasn't the case. The story & characters were the weakest part of the game that besides a few moments didn't keep me invested. A great game in general.

Like the other two games Bayonetta controls great with some fun combat. Viola takes a while to get used but she is fun to play. It does throw some gaming elements different from the main combat which is a hit or a miss for me especially the odd inclusion of stealth levels.

The Mother series has been something I've been curious about since Gametrailers & the early years of Youtube. I didn't like the first game & I thought Earthbound was just ok. I've heard Mother 3 was considered the best one for the longest time even from people who weren't that big on the first two & yeah it is.

I've always liked the premise of the series but despite a couple I did not care for the majority of the characters especially the main party. Mother 3 made me care about these characters a lot more especially Lucas, Flint & Claus who go through a lot & even some of the NPCs too. It helps that these characters have chapters dedicated to them.

The battle system is good too especially with the roulette HP system that can save you from dire attacks which was also used in Earthbound & the new rhythm attack which is tough to get hold off made battles a lot more fun. The boss fights were pretty good too keeping me on my toes. My biggest complaints are the limited inventory spaces but that maybe because I tend to hoard items & enemy encounters. I do think that equipment & weapons should be separated from the rest of inventory. Enemies do display on the field but with some of the more tighter areas, how fast the enemies move & having all your party displayed on the field it feels like you get caught easily when you just want to progress to the next objective. If you played the previous Mother games prior you would appreciate this game more but I would say this ain't a bad one to start with.

Played through the campaign in 1 sitting & it was a fun time. It is basically Spider-Man lite but with some new tools that improves combat by a bit. The venom power is really cool & makes you think whether it best to use that or to heal. I actually died a few times. Looking forward to see it what they do for Spider-Man 2. Web swinging around the city is still my favourite part of the game.

I think the weakest part is the story. Miles is a great protagonist who is trying to find his mark as a hero & trying to stand out then just the "other Spider-Man". Ganke is a great support character. Reminded me of Oracle in the Arkham games but more comedic. They feel like actual friends. The issue comes more with the villains, one of them being forgettable despite being the catalyst for the events & the other who tried to be more sympathetic like the previous game but made me groan how idiotic they were. They were some pretty good boss fights but for how short the game is they wasn't much to begin with like the previous game. Still if you love the OG Spider-Man check out Miles Morales if it ever goes on sale.

I had this game (it was originally called Cybernator in the west) when I was like 5 or 6 & could only get up to the second level but now thanks to the Declassified version I managed to beat it after all these years. This game is hard especially during the zero gravity & air combat sections & in the original version you only had a set number of lives which made it that much tough to beat. You can lose health very quickly by the amount of enemies & projectiles on screen requiring a lot of patience. The shield is your friend as it can block projectiles. Thankfully this version has the option to play with unlimited continues & save states.

The controls need to get some use to at first but it feels good when you get the hand of it. The game rewards you for exploration as you gain access to new weapons & upgrades for your new weapons. The bosses also have secondary missions that can change the ending too. The soundtrack is nostalgic & it visually looks nice. M2 did a marvelous job with this port & even includes interviews, artwork, arrange music, etc. A fun yet difficult time.

Got it on the Switch & yeah the only good thing about this is that it created an amazing franchise. Go play the other remakes of this game.

Only good thing about it is that it spawned a classic fighting game series.

Can't believe Charmy wasn't invited.

The music is probably the weakest in the series but the gameplay is amazing & Simon controls a lot better.

The only classic Mega Man game I don't particularly like. A lot of slow down & the Doc Robot is a pain. Play the Wily Wars version instead.

Really takes you to the fantasy zone. No matter where you play it you probably have a great time.

It's a puzzle game that you can easily spend 10 minutes on.

The original SF2 is a classic but they are better versions to play instead.