I am a lifelong SF player/fan. I haven't really hated any of the previous games and I'm definitely not going to start with this one either. First off, the graphics are great. I was totally blown away the first time I played it. Jeezus, those facial animations! A huge leap over V. The adventure mode is also cool and addicting but I wish there were more Final Fight cameos. Where is Maki dammit?
Now the reason this gets 3-1/2 stars is the music suuucks. Super cringe. And I LOVE Rap in all forms. The character select and stage intro songs could grate a carrot. Capcom could have chosen so many better artists to provide tracks. It all just sounds half assed.

A cool hidden gem in the mountains of shovelware on the Switch. This is a beefed up version of the original JaJamaru which is also great considering it's age. I love connecting with all of these Jaleco properties that we didn't get or get much of in the West.
I also love the overall aesthetic of this game. It gives me a similar vibe as Part Time UFO.
The multiplayer actually works too. It's absolute chaos playing with my younger kids but in a fun way.

This was Iga basically doing another Castlevania with a hot MC so of course I would be all up in this game. I even set aside my distaste for 2.5D graphics. Which is really my only complaint here. The characters just don't look quite right. Mainly the faces. Zangetsu looks especially haggard. Its also missing that vibe/presense that Castlevania carries but I can't fault Iga for that. He's just getting going here. Other than that it scratched most of my Castlevania itches. I'm looking forward to a sequel if it ever materializes.

Capcom loves to edge us fans of their lesser properties like Onimusha. They give us this decent remaster of a great game and get the hopes up for Onimusha 2, which in my opinion is the best in the series, and then quickly hop off. Gamer balls left bluer than the Pacific. I'm glad I still have the original games and a working PS2 but damn it would have been great to play 2 and 3 with touched up graphics or be able to play in handheld on the Switch.

Really great and easy to pick up game mechanic. It still has that PS1/PS2 quirk that the old Hot Shots had. I love the shit talking features when playing multiplayer. Creates Mario Party level beefs. This is also one of those games that can easily hook in non-gamers/older people.

If you grew up with comics in the early 90's this game was the fucking shit. Same with the other two Marvel arcade beat em ups. Just thinking about it immediately brings back the stale but comforting smells of nachos, pizza, and shoe disinfectant at the local bowling alley that had this cabinet. This really should only be played in arcade form.

Stiff purple spandex Metroid.

I'm sure being into the TV series helped along my interest for the game back when it was fresh. The graphics are great and there are a few bangers in the soundtrack.

The hard plastic case for this SNES version was more fun than the game.

The art style and gore was all that was needed to pull me in back in the mid 90's. I'd rather just think back fondly than try and replay this and the sequel.

This deserves the remaster treatment. So many new players will bounce off of this which is a gawdamn shame because Kain is fucking great. Exploding peasants with immolation spells and hearing Kain laugh and talk shit was sooo satisfying. I'm still pissy over how they turned him into a vain queen in Soul Reaver.

Bottle up the essence of this Capcom era and I'll huff it until my eyes roll back in my head.

Another criminally abandoned game by Capcom. How the hell are they going design a character like June and not put her in everything? Same shit shade they threw on my other favorite Capcom girl Maki.


This game is an extra large gyro sandwich of content. Every bite is so flavorful, you just can't stop going in for more. And when all that's left is the greasy wrapper, there is still excitement for the next meal.

The action parts of the game are cool but gacha mechanics just make me feel dirty. Like crappy casino dirty. Mobile gaming is just not for me.