29 Reviews liked by Teleclast

Replayed from – to: (2023-11-16 – 2023-11-20) – PC controller.
‣ 10/10 – The best souls-like rhythm game.

‣ Thoughts: Each time I remembered my time with Sekiro, I feared ever attempting the game again due to how difficult the experience was. I always felt like the way I beat the game first time around was cheap and cheesy and since then I always wanted to test my skills again. So, I did. And it is crazy how similar playing Sekiro is to riding a bike. What I mean by that is: once you’ve learned how to ride a bike, you will never have problems doing it again. Same can be said with Sekiro.

This game has a steep learning curve and is most probably the hardest From software game to master and enjoy. The boss fights are unforgiving and ask you to learn a lot before being fair. However, if you understand how to parry and that this is your only response to any attacks the game becomes as easy as it can be. Last time I beat Sekiro was 4 years ago, and I have never touched it again since today. And with that said, I beat every boss in the game in just under 17 hours and died about 30 times in total. Last time around, Saint Sword Isshin took me 5 hours alone and here I am first trying most feared and respected samurai cuties. What I’m trying to say is, if you understand the parry instructions and visual ques the game throws at you Sekiro becomes the easiest From software game in the list. I was genuinely surprised how forgiving the parry window and mikiri counter is. Half of the time I thought the game was blocking for me because it kept doing it without me even holding the block button.

Overall, we all know how beautiful and fun Sekiro is. And I am just happy to confirm my memories about how great the game is were still true. If you have never played this game, you might get your ass whopped but seeing your skill improve overtime to the point where Genishiro becomes an obstacle you remove in half a minute is very rewarding. It’s also the most narratively understandable experience which I respect highly and hope From software makes more one-off games like Sekiro.

I'd seen some buzz about this game on Twitter a couple weeks before I decided to buy it. I'd recently gotten a Steam Deck and having taken on a lot of work lately, wanted something easy on the hands to just chill out with and decided to pick this up. I don't regret it at all, there's a lot to like! But man this shit draaaaged and as much as I wanted to finish it initially, I didn't wanna fall victim to the ol' sunk cost fallacy, lmao.

Moonstone Island is a bit of everything. It's part farming sim, part card game, part vaguely Pokemon/Digimon-style virtual pet game. It's pretty surprising how, despite having so much going on mechanically - all of these different gameplay loops actually work pretty well together and never become as overencumbering as they might sound! My other big piece of praise - this game is gorgeous, absolutely beautiful pixel art all over; very evocative of classic top-down Zelda games like Minish Cap. As far as indie game visuals go, it's up there with the GOATs like Stardew Valley and Owlboy.

But SPEAKING of Stardew Valley, man this game wants to be Stardew Valley so hard. Taking inspiration from a source is one thing, and I don't wanna accuse the devs of anything as serious as plagiarism here but, like...the stuff this game takes from Stardew Valley is really hard to ignore. I'm not just talking mechanics; having romanceable NPCs who you give gifts to and go on dates with is one thing, but I'm saying this game has the exact same relationship mechanics as Stardew Valley down to a T. NPCs have rooms you can't enter until you're close enough with them, you get to talk with them a limited amount of times a day and give them gifts a limited amount of times a week - it works exactly the same to the point where this game even uses the same fuckin' UI elements. Like, the same "8 hearts in a row" thing, the same menus, it literally just works and operates the exact same way as Stardew Valley by every conceivable metric. Great artists steal, yes, but usually they innovate in some small way, they include some kind of small variation on the thing they're "taking inspiration" from and just don't lift them wholesale from said thing. It's really egregious and particularly frustrating because these are clearly competent devs with some original ideas. They're better than this and I hate how much we excuse artists just copying eachother so flagrantly by saying stuff like "all great artists steal" and "everything is inspired" etc. because that doesn't excuse such blatant imitation imo.

To a lesser extent, this game then also does the exact same thing with Slay the Spire, its card-battling mechanics are heavily inspired by it, taking mechanics and keywords from StS entirely and operating with the same "3 energy" system. There's at least a bit more innovation on the formula here, but it's still pretty blatant. Again, these are competent devs, they pull it off reasonably well and it's surprising how well they manage to make these styles gel together - but you gotta dock points for originality, man.

And even then, these styles only gel well together for so long! Moonstone's Island main objective is simply to make it through an in-game year. Well I'm mid-Fall (the 3rd of 4 seasons, 20+ hours in) and I feel like I have well and truly run out of things to do and it has all just become boring for me. The fishing is grindy and tedious, the farming is simplistic and super unnecessary, the dialogue, writing and characters are nothing to write home about. This isn't a bad game, but it feels a lot worse than it is because of what a time sink it is, how much it asks you to commit to a game that is ultimately a bit barebones in content, and doesn't have enough in it to make a year-long in-game playthrough feel worth it.

These devs could make some really good stuff, but I'd implore them to learn from this game. Just lifting mechanics and UI elements from other games isn't good enough. It isn't "taking inspiration", when it's done this blatantly, it just speaks to a lack of imagination. This game was fun and charming for a bit, and then playing it just became a chore.

A fun take on the current comfy game craze. The romances are cute, collecting monsters is fun though stabling them gets a little too micromanagement heavy. I do wish there was a little more to do, the gameplay loop gets pretty stale after the first few hours and while I kept waiting for the game to introduce something new to shake things up, that never happened. A fun way to spend a few afternoons.

Seems like a fine enough little Harvest of Stardew type game, except with the farming switched out for a potion brewing minigame, but it has that forced slow gameplay that I just cannot stand. Main character crawls slower than a toddler and the forest, to go get resources for potions, is way too far to go every day. I played a couple of hours before I decided that this glacial pace and the long jog to the forest just isn't for me.

An upgrade in every way from the first one, also it has Venom so it so it's automatically superior

The worst thing about Justin Roiland is that sometimes he's actually funny



-.5 star because you can't actually romance Artemis.

Literally endless. There's no way to truly complete it, in the most satisfying way possible. Also, "Try not to cry listening to the minecraft soundtrack, impossible edition"

400 hours as a support main will teach you a thing or two about life.

Being the game I have the most time in, it's safe to say I enjoy this game. I could dive into what makes the game play good and crispy but you've probably already heard that. Instead I'll shout out the suite of modding tools this game has that allow you to turn the game into whatever you want. It's one of the main reasons people still play it to this day, anyone can make new content for it, thus allowing the developers to not care about supporting that game that much. A lot of developers miss the point of allowing a community to thrive using your tools, just allow people to make their own servers and content and then your golden

Despite the 8/10 ranking, Cave Story is my personal favorite single player story game despite its flaws. I first played Cave Story through it's DSiware port back in like 2011 and it stuck with me. Its weapon leveling system is a very interesting and fun take one punishing playing stupid. Due to a couple annoying fetch quests and obtuse direction for accomplishing the best ending without a guide it doesn't get a perfect score but that doesn't stop me from personally saying it's my favorite

Played the whole game with my Mom and my Little Brother on my Steam Deck (docked) and had a ton of fun. Well worth the price of admission for the game. Both would also recommend the game, and one of them hardly plays games-- if that has any meaning to you-- lol!

Played from – to: (2022-06-22 – 2022-06-26) – PC keyboard.
‣ 7.5/10 – Bet this game is a blast with multiplayer.
‣ Game Audio / Soundtrack - 8/10
‣ Graphics – 9/10
‣ Atmosphere – 6/10
‣ Main Story / Characters – 5/10
‣ Side Activities / Exploration – 4/10
‣ AI – 9/10
‣ Ragdolls / Physics – 10/10
‣ Movement – 5/10
‣ Voice acting – 7/10
‣ Combat – 9/10
‣ Thoughts: To most this game will be a nostalgic trip, because in its design it tries to capture the old school arcade gaming memory triggers. However, I was one of those gamers who grew up on a tad different games. I didn’t have arcades to play on nor did I play games in the 90s due to no being born. My games were more like half-life and warcraft 3. In any case, I did play similar styled games on my school computers back when I was in 4th grade, so this style of gameplay wasn’t new or surprising. I have to say, after playing a plethora of open world games, shooter games and other kids of trendy games, Shredder’s Revenge is a breath of fresh air. This was a quick and fun experience. The combat here can get really rage inducing and both fun. If you are doing great, hitting combos left and right, you will have a blast. However, enemies here can be unfair and challenging, spamming annoying and life draining moves and simply putting your ass in the corner. The worst parts, sadly, were the boss fights. They are pretty good for first encounters, but they are all limited to a specific pattern of move sets. This became tedious and annoying when I had to fight Shredder. He had 3 or 4 different moves that he would cycle through in a pattern and all I had to do was survive and then smack him a few times. This made combat repetitive and simply boring because I couldn’t do anything unique, besides following a very specific gameplay narrative the game painted. Overall, Teenage Ninja Turtles is a fun, whacky experience if you have a few free evenings in your calendar. Also, it was apparent that playing this game with friends is the only right way to move forward. Soloing this is possible and rather easy, however a big essence of what this game tried to will be lost on single player.

i can't take this anymore. i will NOT finish this garbage excuse of a game. it's a straight hallway with no interesting story, no interesting characters except for MAYBE lightning, and the worst gameplay the franchise has ever seen, i haven't had the need to stop using auto battle for 16 hours straight, it's just a waste of time. ''oh but the graphics are so good'' I DO NOT CARE!!!! I CAN PLAY GOOD GAMES THAT ALSO HAPPEN TO HAVE GOOD GRAPHICS!!! IF I WANTED TO SEE PEOPLE THAT LOOK REAL I WOULD GO OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

I literally just found out about this 10 minutes ago and got 9/9 on my first game. I've realized now the real goal of this game is to pick Pokémon that apply to each category but to pick ones you think the least amount of people playing have picked. The lower the percentages your picks are, the lower your uniqueness rank is by the end (it's like golf) and I think that aspect can be really fun. At the same time, people might have the same idea and a seemingly forgettable Pokémon might be picked by a lot of people. Either way, this is very fun and I can see myself playing it everyday for a while.

Edit: Honestly only played this for a week and forgot about it, still a fun time tho