Imagine being killed by a spotify subscription. Was fun before that though

Great puzzler to spend a few hours, hilarious story!

Great puzzler to spend a few hours, hilarious story!

I love TD but this brought nothing special or interesting to the genre despite that.

Interesting game but not particulary a stand out in any way, get it on phone or nowhere

If you get it dirt cheap maybe play the story with a friend, otherwise just play Terraria. This game was sold with the promise of a good modding community and then they messed things up almost forcing modders to run from this game within 2 months causing so many issues. It was fun when there were a lot of mods but most of the funnest ones aren't compatible with the final version

Art style and actual visuals was good but it was shortly trumped by games like Rimworld since it didn't seem to have huge substance

For it's time it was an interesting combination done somewhat well, Sanctum 2 solves some of it's issues but also leaves many sadly.

Blend of 2 great genres unfortunately they somehow suckered me in to a second game that had so many of the first game's issues!

This was the most promising of the MOBAs coming at the time and unfortunately like a lot of MOBAs back then, because it was oversaturated and some big names were gettng in the market, it was dropped. ThorDG who used to play a lot seemed to be working on some revival project that hopefully won't get stopped by EA, but it's a real waste that this game is gone. Some of the best characters and worldbuilding in the genre too.

This game felt absolutely amazing at the time and was one of the few MOBA that had no microtransactions, just buy it and paly it! When we were all complaining about micros and p2w this came in and did the right thing, too bad the online was a bit of a mess and that company really didn't focus on their games as much as their desktop products. Some of my favorite MOBA guys in here!

Decent for what it was, if you like this type of game it's fun to play through it once or twice but it's successor exists and is also dead now.

Very fun game to pick up and play, solved almost all the MOBA issues but they were caught using Red Shell and I still haven't forgiven them for that, the player count isn't there anymore so it's not fun anymore.

Amazing subgenre carried by this one dev but it seems there's a bad habit of dropping a new game every few years that could easily be DLC for the previous game, instead of just fixing the previous game...