Every Smash has been an absolutely hit for me since the first. This is no melee but I've definitely put an ungodly amount of hours into this one as well.

If I were to compare it to similar games it's inspired it's probably realistically a 3/5, however it did become extremely popular for a time because it was truly a right time right place for the game. Unfortunately it was plagued by issues with joining groups. Counting as completed because I've played it enough times to consider that and won't touch it again.

Quite the fun game, I definitely played it very late (2023 August-October) but the game added a lot that the first was missing, Miles really brought his own flair and the story was good, though it was weird that it copied the first story so closely. I suppose that's why it's not 2 and a sidestory. Hilariously enough of the fights in all 3 games it's had the hardest of the bosses despite that. This game was extremely entertaining and I would always recommend this before diving into Spider-Man 2 which is close to GOTY material.

Failed my first game, but with all the heardle copies going down recently this is something fun and new!

Easy game to 100%, haven't platinumed yet, might replay on ultimate but this was an absolutely solid game and it has me looking forward to what they can do with Wolverine or a Spider-Man 3. Without getting into spoiler, the traversal in this game is insane, it really feels just too good. Even the side characters you play as feel extremely unique and different now (Queue Mary Jane walk quests in #1, UGGH), almost anything annoying and non-combat can be skipped if you choose (I didn't) with seemingly no punishment for doing so. The combat also felt refreshing for each character and nothing was too hard.

If I were to give a downside it would be the combat, not a single boss had a difficulty matching Miles Morales final boss fight.

I'm generally not a fan of deckbuilder games like this, or so I thought...avoided this game for years and well, hot damn! What a game!

I've had to reevaluate and give it a 5star, the more I played and tried out more decks the more and more I thoroughly enjoy what is a genre I generally did not find any interest in.

Just when I thought a 5/5 was enough I can honestly say that this game after delving into mods has an extremely healthy mod scene that rivals some of the best which is what I usually look for in a perfect 5/5 indie game since that usually turns a 40-400 hour game into potentially a 4000+ hour game. There are more than enough mods such as Infinite Spire, Replay the Spire, Packmaster, Downfall, just to name a few that completely change up the game. Packmaster alone is an absolute beast of a mod and probably my favorite so far.

Very well built around it's theme and it's nice to see something fresh in what can feel like an oversaturated genre as of late

Kinda slow paced for the genre but the demo was fun enough. Can't say I would play it over most other entries, it obviously falls behind Vampire Survivors, Brotato or 20 Minutes til Dawn for example

Shelved too early to give a proper review, I only played an hour despite backing the game. Definitely wacky and gave me the GC era vibes I wanted, hoping to pick it up again soon to play it through, perhaps in coop.

I both generally don't enjoy and also suck at rhythm games, so to no surprise I didn't get very far, but what I did play of this title was actually quite fun, the robot was funny without being that Claptrap level annoying (Close though!), the music is 10/10, super fun title, maybe if I had it on Switch or on my deck I'd jump into it on the go and thus play it more

5/10 - PC
This game was initially intriguing as I enjoyed Recettear but it really failed to deliver despite giving it about 6 hours, this is a game I would recommend anyone to try on Game Pass before purchase if it wasn't for the fact that Game Pass->Steam is a pipeline most devs shoot down aggressively. Getting to the 2nd area the combat didn't get much better and after you beat the 1-1 and 1-2 boss once or twice you can burst them down in under 2s with a great sword. The store side of things is fairly mild, if it wasn't for the fact that it was so involved this is a game that at least has a cozy atmosphere so might be nice to play if you want to get into that feeling.

It felt like it has the potential to be a Terraria/Stardew level game but only mod community and time will tell, haven't had the chance to play multiplayer with friends which is what I think makes the other games so I'm hoping to get the chance and for it to prove to be great, because so far I didn't find it so 'simply good' as the others right off the bat.

Looks cool, I like the sound being foreign, story is interesting at the start, I honestly don't know why but it didn't have enough to really hold me, I keep wanting to come back to it when I have some singleplayer time.

Atmospherically it might be nice but I couldn't find myself picking it back up for long every time I dropped it.


If you think aesthetic can't hard carry a game this is proof that it can. The game itself wasn't a stand out but if you were a console boy back then it didn't exactly need to (Although PS2 was CRANKIN em out), but the aesthetic went hand and hand with cel shaded which was hot that year and really smashed it out o the park. Shame they never ported it to PC because they did with JSR but JSRF really just was the best by a mile.

The tracks? 10/10