If you like puzzles and overcooked you probably love this game. Figuring out different meals is very fun and while this game doesn't have quite the appeal as a major indie title in the mod-ability and reply value it is very close. It's essentially a roguelite but in the wackiest of ways. You could most likely get 40 hours out of the standard game especially if aiming for a decent Overtime score, but mods is where this game really shines, and at least currently the discord is quite active, finding a team to join is not an issue most nights, though there is some wonkiness with NA vs EU on connecting.

The soundtrack can be repetitive and does suffer from 'Short byte on repeat' but is so catchy it hardly matters.

9/10 for me, exemplary indie title.

First MH I seriously played, was super fun, played with Bammboo and Frog in 2023 Spring/Summer. Stopped right before Alatreon due mostly to the annoying 2 week rotation of Safi.

PC - Controller
I think there are some things Rise fails in that World really set the standard to but World was my first game. It's a shame to see Apex largely go along with the raids but the raids were quite lackluster to me as someone who often tries to find fun in the things that most dislike and a big Tower Defense fan. Wirebugs are super fun and the game is simple enough for a smooth brain like me to play it but can be engaging if I choose the right weapon. If you don't have access to a PC this is probably your best MH starting point.


Absolute banger, would recommend to anyone who likes any kind of roguelites.

First in it's subgenre (in a very long time) and definitely the best despite playing many others like it. Dev never got really hungry with price or DLC prices they were fair for what the game was, big respect.

Absolute solid game. I very much so felt all of the energy anyone born in the 90s had the first time they played Spider-Man 2 on PS2, the first game where you actually grabbed the buildings, it felt like this game really cemented the 'Spider-Man' gameplay and goes to show why he's one of the best comic heroes when it comes to getting that feeling in a video game

Never been a fan of Miguel, but this game was absolute solid, I'm big into comics but this let me talk to a lot of people that might not be about different Spider-Men that they might not have known about otherwise. Unfortunately the Wii version was probably a little worse and this generation of games is fairly 'dated' when playing, would probably recommend on PC instead.

Absolute classic bomberman, it feels like every generation they would put all this extra stuff and the battle mode is just something you have to 'get to', this was easily pick up and play and just amazing for what it was.

This game was super fun, had friends playing Osu back then but for something so easy to get into and use your stylus, super fun!

I don't even remember where I left off but definitely won't dust the DS off for this one.

This was super fun as an anime fan, there are many renditions since but to see all of my favorite anime characters and get to show them off in a way that got friends into the anime/manga I recommend them finally? Amazing just for that. Gameplay? Also pretty fun buta but niche when Smash exists.

DS was long lived and so was this MK, amazing, as (almost) every MK is

Classic, was worth getting all the unlocks on this one, absolutely stellar.

One of the few I haven't 100%'d in MK franchise but still big fun, love that the DLC is there but free as long as you get the monthly which is worth it to have anyway for so much compared to other consoles.

Wii U in general was pretty bland but this one was pretty solid for a Wii U title.