Very underwhelming for a Kirby game. Much better Kirby games out there and on the same console.

This was the birth of my brain rot

It's just fine. Nothing new here just another Pokemon game. It's not as bad as everyone says I actually had a really fun time during my playthrough.

Game had inconsistent performance, a boring game loop, lame bosses (half of which you don't fight?), and was more fun to laugh at than to play. Still thought the game was really funny and stylish though, I can't deny that. Def caught me off guard with some tricks in the later half that I kinda liked.

A drastic improvement in gameplay but a drop in quality for bosses and characters. Just not as memorable as the first. Music was insane and double beam katana is insane though.

Insane game with insane vibes and insane characters. Hated doing chores but everything else was near perfect. Def coming back to this one sometime soon.

This is a surprisingly competent and well thought out shooter with interesting level design and hectic combat. There's a nice sense of growth throughout the game and it always feels like you're moving forwards. The biggest elephant is obviously the humor, which while not always for me there were moments that genuinely had me laughing.

The biggest weaknesses in this game imo are the enemy variety and some of the writing. Moments where the cast is clearly trying to improvise generally come off as pretty funny, but the dry Rick and Morty humor of "wow look at this thing it sure is a thing that is here in this place at the same time as you right now here..." gets draining and old so fast. At the very least the variety of the guns' personalities can make up for it in most cases. Overall, I'm glad I played through Game Pass and didn't buy this game. It was fun, but not something I'd wanna own or see myself coming back to.

This review contains spoilers

There's a moment in this game where it just kinda forgets everything that happened before that point and it becomes Persona 3, so it gets an extra half star for that.

Other than that the only things I enjoyed here were some of the music tracks and the art direction. The plot is a mess, the writing is full of nothing and pointless interactions that would be fine if they added to characters, but they don't. They're just boring and annoying. Most characters in this game are though so it's not surprising. The game lost me pretty early on but when they started talking about the tea while looking for the vinyl I stopped taking anything this game tried to say seriously in any capacity.

I don't have much to say about this one if I'm being honest. The music was great but the Open Zone was boring. The Cyberspace levels were fine but Sonic feels weird and most stages are ripped from earlier games. Just doesn't feel like there's a ton here to care about outside of presentation. Most of the game is style over substance. Combat is boring, bosses are basically auto scrollers with QTEs, and the true final boss takes way too long, so it's just kind of a bore. Better than Forces but that's not saying much.

After starting this up around when it came out and putting it down for however long, I'm so glad I came back to this game. Visually the game is breathtaking. The cast travels across a wide array of both gorgeous and brooding environments with music that sets a tone perfectly and kept me excited throughout my entire playthrough. From the bustling and hyper-energetic battle and field themes to the more somber and calm town and event themes, there's something in there for everyone.

When I first started I was admittedly underwhelmed by the plot. The main characters are mostly blank slates, but they do have their character moments. Garl is really what the game is about and he steals the show from start to finish. A game that seems to begin as a simple "this guy is evil and must be stopped!" turns into a story with tons of twists and moments that tug at every emotion in the book sometimes all at once.

Sea of Stars is exactly what it feels like: A heartfelt homage to JRPGs from a past generation by a team of people who share a love and passion for the genre. I see and feel it in every bit of the game's world. This was an experience that takes me back to my first times through EarthBound or Chrono Trigger. I will remember and constantly relive this experience through the soundtrack on my own time until eventually coming back for more.