What a cute little open world checklist game that never felt like I had to do anything but made me want to. The little hats rock. Only beef was that the climbing kinda sucks at times and there was a bit of jank at times.

this is so close to a perfect game

Short little Zen like puzzles were good little brain games. Loved play this with my wife

how does this have so little magic

’ve been playing this game on and off since launch but have never finished the story. The story is very generic bad guy gone good in Star Wars. Nothing compelling but it looks and plays great. Going to get all the achievements now.

Lots of flaws but this is my favourite card game. Hundreds upon hundreds of hours later

I grew up a huge Batman kid so I had a duty to finish this one. I do not recommend it. The end boss was insanely frustrating. It made me miss the old Arkham games even more than I already do. There were fun moments but nothing worth noting.

I will fondly remember the trip

This one hurt. Love the show but this game felt super low effort. (no subtitles?) still had the humour and personality as the show but the repetitive lines get insanely old. I understand this is a very good “first game” for kids and less so for adults.

I finished my first run. This game is very addictive. A rogue-like card game is something I never considered and it really took over me. I will play this for a long time coming. Super creative yet extremely simple. “Just one more run” was a constant.


This game made my cry. As a parent it really pulled at a few things in me. It also opened my eyes to a lot of the struggles that immigrant families have that I haven’t never experienced. This is a short 1.5 hour game I recommend everyone to check out.

Oh my god this was a cool game. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t use a guide in the last 30% of the game cause my brain couldn’t comprehend the puzzles. Shout out to the devs for making the coolest puzzles Ive played since Portal.

After 2 years I finally finished this. I don’t know if it was burn out from pokemon or what but this was a slog to get through after the half way point. We need voice acting in these games so bad.

I started with a sequel oooops. The parkour was really fun but hated the combat. loved how it never overstayed its welcome and was a good few evenings to finish.

After playing this it confirmed that this is my favourite genre of game. The map of this game is so well designed. I’ve heard people complain about the 2nd half but I still loved it. This is so close to perfect. This will become a comfort game.
