i have absolutely no recollection of putting 7 hours into this port
probably a great game but i dont want to have to use the wii u gamepad again

Played campaign a ton but never really enjoyed multiplayer...2

Played campaign a ton but never really enjoyed multiplayer

Beat it twice because it's awesome

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Enjoyable but overstays its welcome. By the second act I was bored of everything the game had to offer. Black Swordsman Dimitri is too funny to take seriously

literally like one level away from 100%

Also I forgot that Luigi dabs in this game and that basically broke the internet for a week

Nemesis is really good for scares, hearing a window shatter 5 screens away and he catches up to you in 6 seconds is terrifying. Didn't enjoy exploration so much as I'm not used to the fixed camera angles and door animations of the older Resident Evil games.

It's growing on me over time. Like, I liked it at first, but the more I think about it the more I need to replay it.

Literally a quality roulette for every game you click on. Definitely a 'better with friends' game otherwise you will get bored immediately. Raise A Peter is 10/10

Insane how they added an amazing game as DLC to a port of another amazing game

If you had asked me which Zelda game was inspired by David Lynch, I would've said the one where the moon crashes into the earth because of a creepy mask salesman, but this probably would've been close

Spent years thinking I wouldn't ever like this game. Then I joined a friend's server and played the game for 50 hours. Then we did that 2 more times. I definitely think I enjoy this more with other people (because I suck at this game) but it's still a great game. I do feel like it relies a bit too heavily on needing the fan wiki to make progress at any reasonable rate. I mean even with making a plan from start to finish and with the help of 3 other people, it still takes like 40 hours to reach the final boss

Did 50 hours single-player and felt like I'd experienced a whole lot. Then I played with 3 other friends and realised I'd only seen about 40% of the game. Definitely coming back to this one for the next big update.