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One of my favourite open world games ever, and probably my favourite story in a videogame ever. The part when "Compass" starts playing is one of like, two times a video game has ever made me cry.

If I was reviewing this in 2014 it would be a totally different story. I played this game for the first time in 2018, and even then it was filled with horrible bugs and content that wouldn't be filled in until 3 years later, meaning it took them about 8 years to finally fix this game. However, these are still some of my favourite single player experiences of all time (minus Halo 4). I've played these campaigns over and over and over and over, and will continue to do so forever probably.


One of the most refined Souls games, best combat and overall a banging game

It's hard to appreciate the uniqueness and innovation of Demon's Souls when it's your 6th game in the series. Unlike the others I essentially approached it from the angle of "this is a cool idea, but it was done better in __". Bosses are more of a puzzle/gimmick than a combat challenge, this balance slowly shifting over the next 15 years of the series. As such, checkpoints are only at the start of each 'sub-level' which can be a bit annoying at times. Some mechanics like World and Character Tendency are extremely cryptic and complex but add an entirely unique element to this game. They are a huge pain to understand and affect is you are routing the Platinum trophy as I did.

It's worth saying that this is still an amazing game, and an incredibly important one, even if I personally find more enjoyment in later Soulsbornes.

Killer fucking soundtrack too

Amazing, but Platinum was a grind. You can pick it apart really easily, but it's such a powerful game that I don't really care. I enjoyed it so much that I went for Platinum just so that I didn't have to stop, despite the headache that turned out to be.

The worst Platinum grind of my life, but otherwise this game is incredible. I would personally consider it my favourite for the architecture, music, and bosses. Just do yourself a favour and don't spend 12 hours on the Silver Knights stairs like I did.

Flawed in many ways, but I still somehow love this game.

Prefer the first game, but this one is still basically amazing

Favourite game of all time. Wish there was a 6 star option

Even though it is a very low-effort collection game, this is still 3 of the best platformers ever made, so it's hard to deduct points. Still have buyer's remorse though, due to the scummy limited-time sales for basically no reason.