It was ok. Combat was trash. Magic was stupid. Bromance was easily the best part. Only reason I might pick it back up again one day would be to get the flying car...

Edit: Upon further reflection I feel I was unfair to this game, it definitely has it's flaws but the things it does well it does pretty well. Hanging with the bros was a fantastic time.

Never played anything quite like this game. A must play for anyone who loves weird, old RPGs.

Has a lot of cool things going for it, but it is very difficult to figure out how to actually progress through the game.

One of the first RTS games I ever played and I will always have very fond memories of it for that reason alone. Also, probably the first game I ever played with custom content.

Pirate mages and a character named Buttz? What more do you want from Square people?

Another fine game where I lost motivation right at the end and didn't beat it. Maybe I'll give it another go someday. It was pretty fun; ya know, if you're into that Zelda stuff.

It was weird and it was fun. Did not beat it because I got lost and also lost my motivation.

This game was so depressing I stopped playing. And I think that does detract from it.

A fun, wacky management game. My biggest criticism would be the lack of more combat animations for the different techniques. That would have pushed this up to a 4 for me.

It was fun, but as time goes on I become more and more disturbed by the subject matter.

Had a heck of a time with the multiplayer though!

Not bad. Multiplayer was easily the best part.

Fun RPG with grid-based combat and a pretty nifty soundtrack. I don't even particularly like sentai and I still had a great time with this game. If you do like sentai, well, buckle up, you're in for a fun ride.

Actually a pretty good expansion. It really improved on the base game. AI was better and boss battles were decent.