This game was so depressing I stopped playing. I don't think that detracts from it though.

This game was so depressing I stopped playing. And I think that does detract from it.

It was ok. Combat was trash. Magic was stupid. Bromance was easily the best part. Only reason I might pick it back up again one day would be to get the flying car...

Edit: Upon further reflection I feel I was unfair to this game, it definitely has it's flaws but the things it does well it does pretty well. Hanging with the bros was a fantastic time.

The music actually owns in this game.

Never played anything quite like this game. A must play for anyone who loves weird, old RPGs.

Has a lot of cool things going for it, but it is very difficult to figure out how to actually progress through the game.

Some mediocre shootin and time controls with an even more mediocre story. If you haven't played it, don't. If you have played it, I'm sorry to hear that.

One of the first RTS games I ever played and I will always have very fond memories of it for that reason alone. Also, probably the first game I ever played with custom content.

Really neat concept. I've never played anything like it.

Only after many hours of backtracking did I discover that I could, in fact, make that wallrun to that platform.

Pirate mages and a character named Buttz? What more do you want from Square people?

Beware: This game is a tremendous time sink.