Time travelin Duke Nukem. Pretty much what you'd expect.This game also has my favorite Duke Nukem line: "REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!"

Loved the atmosphere of this game and the aesthetic. I mostly played it in the dark and it was intense. Pretty good action and weird weapons too.

Fantastic, quirky RPG. Nothing else quite like it (except the other Mother games).


One of 3 games my cousin had for his NES. Underrated little platformer with pretty chill music. I might even call it a hidden gem.

This game was so depressing I stopped playing. And I think that does detract from it.

Trash, but surprisingly good music.

Great game to play with friends.

Fun little game satirizing JRPGs throughout history.

The music actually owns in this game.

Fun little Star Wars game. Hack n Slash with your saber and force magic the heck out of some fools. It's a good time.

Put the difficulty on maximum immediately 'cause it ain't that hard. But damn is it satisfying. FOR THE EMPEROR!!!

Sort of simplified, Chinese, lower budget version of Hades. Fun game.