245 Reviews liked by TheBluejay

One of the best adaptions involving a real sport into an arcade game that can be fun and easy to pick up and play even by non-sports/basketball fans.

I wish we got more games from the last remaining Sony Japan studio. This game has tight controls, easy to pick up gameplay, and excellent level design. It uses nostalgia for the PlayStation brand to make fun collectables and worlds. The fact that this game is free and it's pre-downloaded on your PS5 makes this a must play. It's the perfect showcase for the new Duel Sense controller and excites me for the future of the brand.

Bought this to experience this classic without expecting too much. I always wanted to own the early CD based systems of the early to mid 90s to experience all these FMV games and I'm glad they re-released Night Trap in this new package.

I'm also glad they added quality of life improvements such as different camera views and alerts that make things a little bit easier. At any rate, the game is not great and the fun instead relies on the cheesy acting and ideas of the time.


One of my favourite games as a child, and one I can still revisit fondly every now and then. The offbeat cartoon style of this game gives it a lasting charm - its humour, characters and music.

There's a nice readable simplicity to the simple colours and level design. Each level is perfectly sized, just large enough for each concept to feel fully fleshed out without becoming overstretched. I never felt overwhelmed with collecting because there was enough variety and fun in the platforming to make it feel worth it. Each level has distinct character and soundtrack, with my favourites being Treasure Trove Cove and Freezeezy Peak.

Banjo and Kazooie have a nice moveset that amusingly compliments their design as a duo. The sprinting and flying I remember being a little awkward to control, but that was common at the time. The camera has similar issues. The game is far from unplayable though, and worth a look, especially on Rare Replay or something like that.

good mindless action that ends before it gets stale. level design's lackluster but cutting nazis to ribbons isn't

also this was laura bailey's first role in a video game. neat!

Never before has a game been exactly what I thought it was going to be, no surprises or curveballs. That's a good thing because I was expecting "Fun shooter game" and yep, it's that!

It successfully recreates Resident Evil 2 as a modern day over-the-shoulder survival horror experience. It's not a completely faithful recreation. It changes some stuff here and there, and not entirely for the benefit of the game in terms of replayability, but it's scary, it's stressful, it's fun, and it handles the most important design aspects of the original extremely well.

I think my biggest complaint is how it handles its soundtrack. It's largely absent, unless you turn on the original game's soundtrack, which I did. While the original game's soundtrack has aged pretty damn well, I wouldn't say that it always 100% fits the atmosphere.

Feels (and is) more of a game to show off what the gamepad and Wii U as a whole can do, but damn this is such a fun and charming party game.

Nintendo should've really brought it back with the Switch instead of whatever game 1-2 Switch is.

Underappreciated because, as is seen again and again and again in any type of media, it just wasn't what gamers wanted or expected at that time. But it's a great minigame collection with a really cool toybox sort of aesthetic and loving tributes to all of Nintendo's well-known franchises and a couple that aren't well-known. I'm really going to miss some of the cool functionality you could do with the Wii U that you can't do with the Switch.

The Wii U is hands down the ultimate machine for video game lovers. It channels in it's hardware a love for arcades, in its features a love for community and in its software a love for design. Nintendo Land serves, even in retrospect of every other game that came out in the console, as the shinning beacon of possibilities this magic machine held. Playing Nintendo Land is exploring a buffet of the most hands on, unique, arcade-like experiences any videogame hardware can offer in the confort of your own home. While Nintendo's 'innovation for innovation's sake' proved unsatisfactory to the unwashed masses it stands tall in the pantheon of game design dogmas with this console and this game. Perhaps for the last time.

It's fun. Used to play it years back but I couldn't play a single online game without being called a homophobic slur or something like that. I wish the community was a bit nicer because I really like the weapon variety.

this game is probably really good but my friends made me play a lategame dungeon that gave me a panic attack and I never want to see it again