One of the best Star Wars games in years. Souls like gameplay with tons of collectibles, secrets and great boss battles.

My favorite strand like game. Norman reedus explores a scary and tantalizing sci-fi world muddled down by boring and repetitive gameplay.

Would make an excellent film.

Excellent entry into the resident evil genre. Genuinely terrifying gameplay, house and family that you will spend 15-20 hours with.

Storytelling perfection. Gameplay is scary, tense, beautiful and engaging. The set pieces, characters and story draw you in and keep you begging for more.

The source of my childhood anxiety. A fun game with excellent dungeons, but the time mechanic is one of the most un-fun mechanics in gaming history for me.

A boring slog through one of gaming most uninteresting galaxies. Terrible characters, graphics, facial animations and voice work.

Gameplay and exploration of set pieces was interesting at time, but the time in between was filled with uninteresting garbage.

I’m just here for the zip lines.

The most crowdfunded game in history. In development for over 10+ years. Broken promises.

And yet. There’s something amazing here. Incredible sound design, physics, universal traversal with zero loading screens, incredible graphics, faces and flight model. The best space sim on the market, and one of my favorite games to keep an eye on.

One of my favorite 6/10 games. Some great ideas but the titular Sonic story, terrible voice acting, repetitive music and more. No chao garden?

What a ride. One of my favorite FPS campaigns of all time.

An excellent romp through dual Japan. It’s got daddy issues, a gripping story, betrayal, love, loss and more. Great gameplay that is rewarding and an incredible multiplayer mode.

One of my favorite games of all time. Grab a drink, take a hit and immerse yourself in 4-5 hours of pure wonder. 10/10

Quantum dream delivers again. What a gripping story, with excellently done dialogue, voice acting and motion capture. Gameplay is a bit bland, but a great sense of choice and freedom. Over a billion endings.

The worst campaign since halo 5. Excellent gameplay tied down by an incoherent disaster of a story.