This game is kinda BASED actually??

Let me start off by saying I actually really like the red and black Virtual Boy look. Sure it can be grating when staring at it a long time, but I think it’s a cool look.

This is my second Wario Land game, and honestly, I enjoyed it a lot. More than the first one even! Something fun about having to make your way back to the top floor of the Awazon cave. Perfect middle ground of not too hard and not too easy. I loved that each floor of the cave was a different theme and it wasn’t just “cave level” for each one. Great designs for the bosses.

It was just a fun, pleasant time. Loved it!

It’s a solid little Wario Ware clone with SpongeBob characters! Really like the different art styles they do the the different games, really helps give it a unique touch. Think my favorite is the PUNK ROCK one.

Not like an AMAZING game, and I didn’t feel the need to keep playing to 100%, but I played and enjoyed most of it.


It alright!

Honestly the story about the making of the game is more interesting than the game itself. Originally being made as a GBA version of Rayman 2, they instead shoehorned in some Rayman 3 stuff (like the bare minimum) so they could tie it into 3’s console release.

And since it plays more like Rayman 1, it DOES kinda feel like a melting pot of the first three Rayman games, which is interesting.

The story is an absolute mess. Like, Globox swallows a black Lum, that makes sense, but Razorbeard and the robo pirates are back?? What

But other than that? It’s a solid 2D platformer. Not always super interesting, but it works, looks alright, sounds alright, it’s fun enough! Gameplay mixes it up every now and then with minigames, kinda a standard GBA 2D platformer. But it does it well enough, and I always have a great time with my boy Rayman.

Man…. I didn’t like it very much.

To be ABSOLUTELY FAIR, the setting and tone just aren’t really my thing, so I had a feeling I wasn’t gonna vibe with it. But I mean… that’s how I felt about The Walking Dead, and I ended up absolutely loving that game! But this just didn’t have enough to make me like it despite my tastes.

Every episode feels like the same thing to me. Float around in an empty bland space station, maybe occasionally talk to a character. It gets old.

I don’t even think it necessarily does those things BADLY, floating around feels good, but… man I’m over it by episode 3.

The characters aren’t BAD but I feel like you don’t get enough time with them for me to really care about them much. I guess you get a personality out of Khan, but man, I feel like I didn’t feel what the game WANTED me to feel for these guys.

My friend and I were comparing it to New Tales from the Borderlands. That game is awful, much worse as a game than The Expanse is… but I gotta say, I feel like it might be more memorable! They’re all over the place in that game! The Expanse is technically a better game, but it’s just SO dull to me.

Yeah, a shame, but to be honest I wasn’t that interested to begin with, so it’s not like I was that disappointed.

I have a newfound appreciation for this game after this play through.

Before now, I always thought of Sonic Adventure as “oh yeah, that game’s gooooooooood-ish, I guess I like it fine.”

But now? Adore this game. One of my favorite Sonic games. Not ALL of it is great (Big, Amy), but the bad parts are so short it doesn’t really matter.

Kind of burnt myself out on it, but that’s in me trying to get all the achievements, not on the game itself.

Great game, would love to see SEGA do another one like it!


You know what? I've long outgrown the intended demographic for this game, but for what it is, I'm VERY impressed. Charming world and characters, gorgeous game, from the backgrounds to the character designs to the animations, and a great reggae soundtrack.

Was I ever stumped? No. Was the adventure over in an hour? Yes. I know I'm a 35 year old man playing a game made for the tiniest babies. But ya know what? It's a game with a lot of heart and effort put into it. Real good fish.

I wanted to like this one more than I did, but it was still a good enough time. Well, until it stopped being fun near the end. But hey, I enjoyed most of it!


-The world and characters. Really like the style of this game, a lot of fun personality. Especially like the two main character designs. Oh, and the Garbage Grump.

-The music is pretty good! I dunno if I’m gonna be remembering them much now that I’m done, but I was enjoying them while I was playing.

-Well thought out platforming challenges. Whether or not you LIKE them is a different story, but a lot of thought was put into designing them. Definitely a game for fans of hardcore platforming challenges.


-Conveyance. Maybe it’s just me, but I felt like I was lost in this game more than once.

-The camera. Boy do I hate this camera. If I’m trying to look around, find where to go, or even do some of the demanding platforming this game asks of you, I don’t want my camera snapping back where it was. Got extremely annoying by the end.

-Some of the later platforming challenges are just not fun. At all. I feel like the later parts of the game knocked this game down a whole star for me.

-The length. So, this is a short game, instead of having multiple worlds, it’s really just a handful. I’m fine with that idea, but you spend the majority of the game in just one of these worlds. A lot. Like, a LONG time. I was sick of this world by the end. I was getting pretty bored with it. On the other hand, I feel like if this game were longer, the problems I have with it would be WAY more annoying. So I dunno, I feel like they don’t really use their time very well. Again, maybe it’s just me.

So yeah. I dunno! I wish I could’ve enjoyed it more, but still a good time.

T’was a fun! I had a fun!

Obviously a smaller game, but hey, I got lotsa laffs. It’s nice to have a little game you can play for a wee bit and get some good laughs with.

Looks like I’m gonna have to give it a 4 out of 5!!

I’m a huge Aqua Teen fan and even that can’t really save this game.

I mean, I’ll start with the positives:

1. For an ATHF video game on the PS2, it actually looks pretty good! Character models are nice, environments look like the show.

2. The IDEA is great on paper. A golf game/beat em up is an idea so stupid that it could totally work, in theory.

3. It’s funny. It’s the same Aqua Teen humor, the dialogue is still great. Hearing Shake be such a dick to Meatwad, Turkatron talking about his juicy metal legs when you smack him, it’s good stuff.

4. Good fanservice. Lots of character appearances and references. The Mooninites, the Plutonians, Cybernetic Ghost, etc.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t make up for the game’s big problems.

1. The big one. The gameplay. It’s just too sluggish and repetitive and monotonous and boy just plain not that fun. If they made your characters move and attack faster, I think it could’ve worked. It wouldn’t have been the deepest game out there, but it would work! But man, this game is a SLOOOOOOG. It gets a LITTLE Better when you get some better weapons, but not much.

2. The racing sections. So once every few levels you’ll do a kart racing segment against Skeeter and DP (the frat aliens). And boy, does none of it work. it’s slow, bad controls, pretty easy (except for when the physics mess you up and it takes forever to reorient yourself), and boy do I hate hearing the same three lines over and over again AD. NAUSEUM.

“Who farted?” “Turn on the AC” “Who farted?” “This thing have a CD player?” “who farted?” “Who farted?”

3. These levels are LONG. Early on it’s not a big problem, but later on when the courses get bigger, holy shit. Big levels + incredibly slow traversal speed = please let it end.

It sucks, since there’s real potential here, and the big problems seem SO OBVIOUS! Like someone HAS to have thought “hey, this isn’t very good, maybe we should fix some things up.” Maybe it was low budget, maybe it was a short time frame. But wow, whatever the issue was, it’s a real shame.

I am 30 or 40 years old and I do NOT NEED THIS.

Man, I really wanted to LOVE this game. Don’t get me wrong, by the end I DID like it, but I wanted to adore it and I didn’t.

There were just a bunch of small little things that annoyed me.

You know the phrase ‘too much of a good thing’? That’s how I feel about the visuals. They’re no doubt very impressive… but MAN is it a visually noisy and annoying game. Even in just the opening. It’s a big celebration for Ratchet and Clank. And there’s hundreds of people in the audience all animated and moving around, then there’s confetti and particle effects everywhere, and then they throw all these enemies at me and there’s so much debris and bolts flying around and I get hit by enemy bullets because there’s too much fucking shit on the screen!

Oh, and in the second part, there’s a city being attacked, and the citizens are EVERYWHERE. There’s so many people that it was hard to focus on the Goon-4-Less (love those Gooners) guys attacking me and I’d just get hit by them because I can’t FOCUS on them. The lighting doesn’t help either. It’s very impressive, but I think it usually makes the colors stand out less and everything blends together a bit.

It’s just too much. I think about how simple the original PS2 games are. Sure they’re less impressive and detailed, but everything reads a whole lot better.

And the writing. It’s the main thing I like about the Ratchet series. Not that the stories are incredible, but the characters usually had such strong, over the top personalities. But by this point, R&C has just lost a lot of the bite it had before. Everyone’s just so… NICE to one another all the time. It feels like anytime Ratchet talks to Clank, it’s like “don’t worry bestest friend of mine, I got your back, because you are THE most heckin important dude in the world to me :)” and it’s just…. Not funny anymore.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s SOME good jokes, and it’s not like it’s AWFUL, but man, what happened? I felt the same way about the 2016 remake, but at least that had a horrible movie to blame. Rift Apart doesn’t really have that.

There’s other small things here and there, but what DID I like? Well the gameplay is still just so super solid, just runnin’ and gunnin’. By the end it was really fun seeing what weapons worked best together. Throwing out the Topiary Sprinkler and a Mr. Fungi while I took out anyone else was fun, as was combining the Cold Snap and the Warmonger to just absolutely tear through bosses.

I think the levels are kind of a mixed bag, I was a little annoyed at what seemed like multiple desert or barren stages in a row with no real unique ideas to them. But stages like the Scarstu Debris Field or the WONDERFUL pirate level Ardolis, there’s still some really good stuff in there.

And while I ragged on the writing earlier, it’s still a world I want to be in with characters I enjoy. Rivet and Kit are both likable, Emperor Nefarious made for an interesting, new take on the good doctor, and while at first I was a little annoyed that I was just meeting up with alternate universe versions of characters (if it’s gonna take 5 years to get another Ratchet game, I want to meet up with the REAL Skidd McMarx, god DAMN YOU), by the end I thought it was pretty neat the way they handled some of them.

So yeah, I wanted to really adore this game, and I didn’t. But I DID still enjoy my time with it by the end. Ratchet and Clank has changed a lot from the series I once adored, but hey, as long as I can still have a good time with em, that’s good enough.

Boy am I glad I bought this game when I did, cause it’s delisted as FRICK now.

I liked it! A simple little beat em up based on a show I adore. Or rather, based on the PILOT. It’s in this weird nebulous void between the pilot and the show, it’s a neat little oddity where things are more refined from the pilot, but NOOOOOT quite there yet.

Honestly, the biggest problem is it’s a touch screen mobile game. It can be really frustrating positioning yourself where you want to be and pulling off the moves you want to do. But it’s functional! It’s fun enough!

The world and characters are just so charming. It’s not as refined as the show, but the environments are still very nice looking for a game like this, and it’s always a joy to talk to this cast.

That’s about it! It’s pretty simple, can be frustrating sometimes, but I had a good time with it!

I really enjoy Rayman Legends! Gorgeous game, fun to play… but maybe a little too easy.

One thing I preferred about Origins is it felt like a challenge to get all the Lums in a stage. You really had to work for it, plan things out. Here in Legends, it was incredibly rare to not get the gold trophies on every stage.

I’m also not a big fan of how the game just kind of… stops. The final boss is a big hand made out of little fuzzy men. No build-up and once you defeat it, it’s done. Rayman Origins had the whole final chapter with The Magician, it felt like the adventure led up to something. OH WELL I GUESS!!!

But despite these nitpicks, it’s still a great game. Loved unlocking different characters, the music stages are a lot of fun.

Hoping to see Rayman get another game sometime soon! Aaaaany day now…

I had heard pretty bad things about Tonic Trouble through the years. When a friend of mine started playing through it, I figured I should give it a go as well.

And… yeah, it’s not GOOD, but I mean, I guess there’s way worse.

Controls are clunky, the camera is pretty good awful, there’s some obtuse level and puzzle designs here and there. Flying takes a LOT of getting used to. I adapted to it eventually, but it took a bit. Boy, I really wish that pogo stick move was more interesting.

But hey, it looks nice! Lots of charm in the character designs and world. So it wasn’t a miserable time. Just a not very good one.

But hey, it would pave the way for Rayman 2, a much better game, so hey! It wasn’t all bad!

I bought this game on a whim. It was on sale for $3, might as well, right? It looked kinda neat, and that’s a pretty good price.

So a few weeks later, I decided to finally jump into it. I had no idea I’d be playing one of my new favorite games ever made.

Lost in Random is a game about a pair of sisters in the charming, super creative world of Random. Even is trying to save her sister, who’s been kidnapped by the Queen of Random.

I’ll get the nitpicks out of the way first. It’s not a PERFECT game, there’s some small issues.

1. Missable achievements. As much as I adore this game, it’s pretty long and I didn’t necessarily want to go through it all AGAIN. So I was walking on eggshells for some parts of it.

2. LOTS of asset reuse. This is incredibly minor, but when you see the exact same character models pop up for multiple characters, you really start to notice.

3. This is more of what I wanted than what it is, but I REALLY wish there was a jump button. It feels like this world is just BEGGING to be platformed around, but it just ain’t that kind of game.

But that’s about it. For me, anyway. I think the combat system is a love it or hate it situation, it’s not for everybody. By the end of it, I ended up really enjoying it. It felt satisfying planning and putting together a card deck for specific situations, knowing where to use what.

But man, other than that? I just simply adore everything else. Just absolutely head over heels in love with this game, with this world and these characters. Even, Odd, Dicey, Mannie Dex, just everyone, I can’t sing its praises enough. I can’t think of many game worlds as fleshed out as this. I really want to sing this game’s praises, but don’t want to spoil any of it. I’d love more people to play this on their own, I’d feel awful about spoiling something for someone. I’ll just say my favorite town was Fourburg. Just the most fun to explore, liked it’s vibe.

I feel like saying anything else about it would be doing it a disservice. This game is incredibly special to me. I can’t speak for everyone else out there, but I know I’ll be getting myself Lost in Random again and again and again.

Random Rules!

It was fun! Not a whole lot to it, beat it in about 2 hours.

But hey, it’s unique! And has a great art style, the designs in this game are super charming. I feel like it might shine brighter in the multiplayer mode, which I didn’t get a chance to test out.

So yeah, not an amazing game, but a charming one! Wish I had more to say about it, but honestly there’s not a whole lot TO say. It’s worth a try!