most underrated title i've ever played

I don't even care, I know I'm being wildly blinded by nostalgia here but I can't NOT give this game a high rating.
If I'm being honest I have some criticisms that should bring it down a full star BUT SIMPLE AND CLEAN IS THE WAY THA

Ngl it was fun and neat but definitely very overrated

The best classic 2D Mario game

Like all Pokemon games these days - could have been a lot better. Biggest waste of spending and potential from any major franchise these days.
that being said it's still pokemon lmao and it does new stuff, A for effort

the most impressive thing about this game is how it manages to be more boring than doing literally nothing
oh man

In 2023 this is a bad opinion but lemme tell you - 2017?? THIS GAME. WAS SO GOOD. I have personally never seen a title decay worse than this franchise but I'm rating it 4 stars in honor of those first couple of months, even years. Very special. Hurts

I love this game so much. As a kid, this was one of the first major PC games I played and it just completely set the standard for me. The intro is permanently inked in my brain, what great atmosphere.

Mario Kart. Not as good as the WIIIIIII I think but still very great.
Guys it's mario kart lmao

Unpopular opinion but this is an instance where imo the first one felt a lot better. They're both quite different experiences, and Half-Life 2 is still one of the most iconic, classic PC gaming experiences hands down definitely recommend trying.

This story completely revolutionized what I thought was even possible for a game to do. I cannot even begin with how absorbed I am in this masterpiece, it's set a completely new standard for story-telling in games for me. The gameplay was also shockingly good for what I was expecting. Incredible title, deserves all the praise it has and more. Iconic.

As much as I hate the playerbase, culture, and think the gameplay is incredibly overrated...
this is easily the most influential multiplayer game in the past 10 years. I also love Epic Games as a company, they do incredible work. Unfortunately, this game also spawned a wave of relentless freeware spam and created the worst possible generation of garbage battle royales... it just did so much CRAP too. A necessary evil maybe? Full of good and bad.

This review was written before the game released

This is the best example I have of "the game doesn't suck but they completely failed at literally everything else and lost every possible bit of respect they ever had"
it's also the worst rendering of a "sequel" I've ever seen, no joke. Mario 2 did better and that game was a reskinned other game. Blizzard can eat a turd for this one frfr